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Android developer

35 лет
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Karpov Alexandr
Android Kotlin / Flutter Cross platform - Developer

Ukraine, Odessa
viber/ phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
telegram: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
e-mail/ skype: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

(Intermediate / upper Intermediate ),

​ lutter, Bloc, Localisation, local notification, camera RestApi. C#, Python, Android Java, Java Fx, Com port,
Retrofit, RxJava, Kotlin, Rx Android, Rx Kotlin, MVVM, MVP, RealmDb, SqlLite, Html, Css3, JavaScript,
Firebase, GraphQl, Dagger Hilt, JQuery, BootStrap, JetPac Compose.


Logistics Os – Flutter developer
from 04..2022 till present
Development of a cross-platform application that facilitates the work of a courier by optimizing the route

DigiCode – Android developer
from 07.2021 till 08.2021
Improvement and bug fixes in the application for Bosch scales. Work on weekends

BMBY / Dreams – Flutter Engineer
From 02.2021 till 07.2021
Flutter developer and design. From February 2021 switched to hourly work due to the reduction

LTD “Invest -Grope” – Front End / Android Developer
From 09. 2011 till 09. 2013
Front End developer, Design


“JSC” TASCOMBANK - Android developer
from 03.2021 till Present
Refinement of new features and bug fixes, in the bank application

BMBY / Dreams – Flutter Engineer
From 01.2020 till 02.2021

Flutter developer and design.

Motorola Solutions – QA Engineer
From 08.2019 till 01.2020

PLatform testing, control tests, automation of the testing process.

Aplit-Soft – Android Developer (managerial position)
From 11. 2016 till 07. 2019

Java Desktop app development, Android App development, Web frontend development, Design

Contrast-Web – Front End / Android Developer
From 01. 2014 till 11. 2016

Web front end developer, Android Developer.
Research Institute “Artificial Intelligence” – Junior C#
From 01. 2009 till 09. 2010

Student internship at the university, ​image recognition department


Computer Academy ItStep, Donetsk – Front End developer
From 03. 2019 till 06 2010

Введите свой текст здесь Введите свой текст здесь.

State University of “Informatics and Artificial Intelligence”, Donetsk – engineer
From 09, 2006 till 07 2011

Decision systems engineer


Izi Bank

The application is a simple mobile and multifunctional bank. The role of the project is to support and add features
to the application.

BOSCH android app
Application for Bosch, which allows you to refuel air conditioners and refrigerators with gas. The essence of the
application is that it connects via Bluetooth to the scales and monitors the weight of the cylinder, as soon as the
amount of gas set in the application has gone into the device, the application informs the refueller that the level
has been reached.

BMBY CRM – CRM System Flutter (Android + iOs) apps
The CRM system is intended for a narrow circle of realtors of Israel and the USA.

BMBY Portals – Portals apps Android
This project is several applications written in NativeScript, the essence of the project was - the automatic creation
of an unlimited number of Android applications with simple functionality, but different resources and different
package names, when using Python
Motorola Solutions Test System – app helper C#
The goal of the project is to create an application that has helped testers improve productivity by unpacking and
processing an unlimited number of tests. The application was written in C # and had a built-in translator into the
language specified by the user. Thus, the application arranged the solid text of the test on special items and
translated it into its usual language.

Womerz 2.0 - Android app
a simple and functional application that allows you to receive relevant advertising in the interests of the user, as
well as place it on social networks and receive bonuses from the customer of advertising for views, likes and
reposts. The essence of the application is that the advertising is as close as possible to the interests of the user,
so. to make his friends on the social network think it's a simple post, not an advertisement. The customer of
advertising offered a choice: money or any goods.

The WellBe Project - Android app
a multi-functional application that connects to a branded fitness bracelet and transmits the level of stress and
time when the application is launched. The application processes the stress level and displays it on the clock face
of 12/24 hours. We also collected the level of stress during meetings from Google Calendar or some events, if the
event had a specific location, also on the map you could see on the map, where was a certain level of stress, as
was the collection of data on stress in while listening to music in Spotify and in cases of high stress, the
application recommended listening to music in which the stress level decreased.

One of the important in the application were the "programs" that were connected for a week and helped to
monitor health. Programs were usually reminders of sports / yoga, a reminder of a glass of water and relaxation.

3D Anadyr - Android app
As the city of Anadyr is mostly dominated by local Internet, and access to the World Wide Web is expensive, it was
decided to create an application that could replace most of the services. The application had a bulletin board,
news, a list of companies with contacts and addresses, 3D walks around the city, as the city is in a rather quiet
area in terms of natural disasters, the application has added a function about emergencies. An application on the
city's local website, available only within a specific city.

Olimp - front end
Local site of the plant for the production of alcoholic beverages for training new employees. The site included
training articles, and upon completion, the user had to take tests.

Print Master - front end
The site of the subsidiary company Invest - Group, where you could order advertising on advertising accounts of
the city

Chukotka Hospital - front end
The site of the Chukchi hospital, where you could see all the information about the hospital, as well as make an
appointment with a doctor

Chukotka School - front end
The Chukotka school also ordered a website from us, where you could see all the events that will take place and
see a photo report from the events that have already taken place. Also on the site there were diaries of students
who could be viewed by entering the login and password of a student or school employee.

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