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Резюме от 6 мая 2023 Файл


Unity 3D програміст

21 год
Город проживания:
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Maksym Korniichuk

Unity Developer

E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

About me:
I love games. I want to spend my time developing or playing games. I've been
developing games and apps with Unity since 2021. During this time I’ve been involved
in the development of some custom games and apps.

● C# / Unity
● Git
● DOTween
● SDK (Admob, Appodeal, Firebase, MAS)
● Unity Gaming Services (Cloud save, Economy)

Work Experiences:
● BOODISH (June 2021 - Feb 2022)
Team work, UI, animations, particle systems, game optimization, databases, ads
integration, git, shaders.
Our team created apps and hyper casual games. One of which gathered more
than 100,000 downloads on the first day and was in the top 5 for arcade games
on Google Play.
● Freelance (Dec 2022 - current time)
Team Work, I develop games to order. I developing all kinds of cool games while
learning C# and Unity.

● NotBooks - visual novel. Developed application architecture, save and load data
using Cloud Save, connected Appodeal ads, and integrated Firebase. (game in
● Google Play: Idle Train Station Manager - idle railroad game. (game in
● Git: Hyper casual grater simple hyper casual game with one mechanic. Using
the CSG library I wrote a code that allows you to cut 3d meshes.
● Git: Puzzles 2d simple puzzles that connect with their color.
● Git: Tower Crusher 3d Hyper Casual clicker. I organized the storage of data
about game objects separately from entities.
● Git: Boss Fighter 2d roguelike with bosses and simple enemies. Implemented a
system drop things of different rarity, for these things have made a simple
inventory and slots for things that give enhancements, implemented a system for
selecting enhancement cards after killing bosses.
● Google Play: Cursed Run 3d flying eggplant that flies away on a web from the
picture of zxcursed. The game has a skin store. Integrated Admob.

● Ukrainian - native speaker
● Russian - native speaker
● English - intermediate
● Polish - beginner


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