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Резюме от 22 февраля 2023 Файл


Програміст Java

21 год

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Java Developer
E [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
q https://github.com/stepanenkomaks e Dnipro

As a third year student in Software Engineering at Dnipro National Bachelor's Degree, Software
University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, I have gained fundamental
knowledge and skills in software development. Over the past year, I have
been programming in Java and have completed a pet project that has National University, Dnipro, Ukraine
given me hands-on experience in designing and implementing software C 2020 - 2024
solutions. My project experience has allowed me to develop skills in
problem-solving, collaboration, and attention to detail, and I am eager to Student
continue building on these skills as I progress in my studies and career. Dnipro Lyceum of Information Technology
C 2016 - 2020
Java Developer
Pet-project Java Java Collections
C current e Dnipro
Link: https://github.com/stepanenkomaks/TicketOrderService
Git (Github, Gitlab)
As part of my personal projects, I developed a simulation of a bus ticket booking
system for a specific route, utilizing a microservice architecture. This project involved
designing and implementing the various components of the system, ensuring PostgreSQL FlyWay
seamless integration between microservices, and conducting extensive testing to
guarantee optimal performance.The technology stack:
JPA Hibernate
 Spring Boot + Spring Cloud, Swagger
 PostgreSQL, Flyway
 RabbitMQ Spring Core Spring MVC Sping Boot
 Micrometer + Zipkin
 Docker
 JUnit 5, Test Containers Spring Security Spring Data
 Prometheus, Grafana
Sping Cloud
Data Analyst
Velta/TitanEra (Velta's spin-off) Docker RabbitMQ
C 01/2022 - PT e Dnipro
 Searching and analyzing specific company information Test Containers JUnit 5 Mockito
 Gathering information about a specific person
 Translating texts with technical content from Russian into English and vice versa
 Other stuff Microservices

Prometheus Grafana Micrometer


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