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Резюме от 3 апреля 2023 Файл



23 года

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Andrii Makin
iOS Software Engineer

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Organized, collaborative, and highly skilled iOS developer with 2 years of
professional experience in dynamic and deadline-driven work environments. I
want to join your team to delight its customers with magical experiences.

Languages: Swift, Objective C
Databases: Realm, CoreData, SQLite
Core: iOS SDK, Foundation, GCD, UiKit, APNS, MapKit, AVFoundation,
CoreLocation, CoreMotion, CoreAnimation, CoreGraphics
Architecture patterns: MVC, MVVM
Services: Jira, Fabric, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
Development software: Xcode, SourceTree, etc.
Other: 3-rd party libraries.
English level: Upper Intermediate.
Polish level: Intermediate.
Ukrainian: Native.
Russian: Native.


2018 – 2022
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Bachelor’s degree in computer sciences.

2022 – Today
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Master's degree in computer science.
Work Experience
January 2021 – Today
“Cloud Works” – Kharkiv, Ukraine

Project Experience
Project: Point of Sale.
Description: Point of Sale application with local DB and different integrations.
Responsibilities: Developed code in Swift, Objective C using mostly MVVM
Technologies: SQLite, UiKit, URLSession.

Project: iSocFit.
Description: Workout Application.
Responsibilities: Developed code in Swift using mostly MVVM architecture.
Technologies: Alamofire, UiKit, Charts, Combine.
Source: https://bitbucket.org/andriimakin/isocfit/src/main/


Project: SmartCinema.
Description: Application for cinema (review sessions, profile with loyalty
Responsibilities: Developed code in Swift using mostly MVVM architecture,
was written by other person, i`m only supporting it (fixing bugs, adding some
new features)
Technologies: Alamofire, FBSDK, RxSwift, UiKit.

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