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Резюме от 5 мая 2023 Файл



28 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Liubomyr Fedoryshyn

Javascript Developer

Profile Education
Experienced React Developer with (2013-2019)
over 4.5 years of self-taught
background. Passionate about
M.Sc. Journalism. New Media, Convergent Media
coding and committed to
continuous learning. Effective GPA: 4,50 out of 5
communicator with a track record
of delivering high-quality web Experience

January, 2022 - Present
Javascript Developer
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») June, 2021 - December, 2021
Linkedin Javascript Developer
Lviv, Ukraine
June, 2019 - June, 2021
Javascript Developer
Hard Skills
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
January, 2019 - June, 2019
React, Redux, React Hooks, React UPQODE
Context, Next.js, Typescript, Front-end Developer. Web Design & WordPress
JQuery, Node.js, PHP, WordPress Development.
SASS, LESS, Bootstrap,
Reactstrap, Bulma, Styled-
Components, Responsive Web Languages
Design, D3, Auth0, TradingView
Graph, Ant Design, Gulp, English | Upper Intermediate
Webpack, Docker Ukrainian | Native
Git, GitHub, GitLab, Jira,
Confluence, Trello, Figma, Zeplin,
MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
AXIOS - Custom Pharmacy System for patient & medicine operations (server-side application)
(React version - ’18.0.0’) 01.22 - PRESENT

Last project with React usage. Axios pharmacy system for UAE(mainly) and worldwide physicians &
patients usage for treatment, pharmacy, prescriptions, bills, etc.

Main role:
JavaScript(Front-end) developer. (Three developers, one on the front-end & two on the back-end).

Main duties:
Twig library investigation & rewriting.
React integration into the current system.
New design implementation.
Support of old features & rearrangement of legacy code. Front-end application customization

Major achievements:
Custom design library development & integration to main and collateral projects.
React integration & re-development of the old functionality with new features—better solution
research for project needs.
Legacy JS functionality replacement.

NOXX - Sports Cards Trading System (client-side application) (React version - ’17.0.2’)
06.21 - 12.21

Finished typescript-functional Project on React with Hooks & Context usage. Trading system for USA
collections of sports cards. Customer from the USA.

Main role:
JavaScript(Front-end) developer. Second one. (Two middle developers on the front).

Main duties:
The rapid development of application in start-up tempo. Features
implementation/invention/review, design updates. Responsive design adaptation and
excogitation. Prioritization & stories estimation.
Graph, croppers & other libraries implementation. Change request adaptation features improving
Cross-browser, mobile adaptivity, etc.
Bug fixing & performance improvement.

Major achievements:
Custom design implementation.
Architecture investigation and setup.
Client authentication/authorization by JWT token with ‘Auth0’ library support.
Creating/updating/deleting/filtering information about cards.
Support and implementation of a D3 graph.
Creation of custom, adaptive, resizeable & draggable menus for card filtering.
Validation forms, filters, searches, sorting tables, etc.
Developing features of cropping, importing, exporting, and downloading cards from files, external
data, and systems. Pixel perfect desktop + mobile adaptation.
Creation of a custom showcase system.
Card recognition implementation.
MAD - CRM System (server-side application) (React version - ‘16.13.1’)
11.19 - 06.21

The project on React was started from scratch by myself and our tech lead. Now successfully
delivered to the production with a long-time support perspective. Customer from the USA.

Main role:
JavaScript(Front-end) developer.

Main duties:
Application development from scratch.
New features implementation/invention/review. Documentation analysis.
Communication with a customer(by request).
External libraries implementation.
Old features support.
Cross-browser, mobile adaptivity.
Other developers' subtleties.

Major achievements:
Design implementation & investigation.
Front architecture creation + setup.
Client authentication/authorization by JWT token.
Creating/updating/deleting/filtering information about contacts/users.
Support of a calendar implementation and Google synchronization.
Creation of custom, adaptive, resizeable & draggable dashboards.
Different kinds of forms, filters, searches, sorting tables, etc.
Developing features for merging, importing, exporting, and downloading contacts from files and
systems. Two-colour theme implementation.
Creation of a custom tag system, store, etc.

Stack: React.js, Redux, React Hooks, Next.js, Ruby, Bulma.

8DX - Cryptocurrency Trading Platform (server-side application) (React version - ‘16.8.3’)
07.19 - 11.19

Created using Resumonk - Online Resume Builder
First project with React technology - cryptocurrency trading platform for the Australian market.
Customer from Australia.

Main role: second JavaScript(Front-end) developer.

Main duties:
Successfully adaptation of new features and supported/refactored old ones.

Major achievements:
Implementation and customization currency graph from a Trading View.
Work with Web-Sockets, creating a custom messenger inside the platform (between client and
admins). Customer design implementation.
Currency-filtered tables, forms, etc.

Stack: React.js, Redux, Next.js, ReactStrap, Ruby

Похожие кандидаты

JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP, backend developer
Киев, Удаленно

Junior Full Stack Developer (React, JavaScript, HTML)
15000 грн, Запорожье, Удаленно

Fullstack developer (JavaScript, TS, React, Next.js, Node.js)
30000 грн, Удаленно


Javascript developer

Луцк, Удаленно

Все похожие кандидаты

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