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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

21 год
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Загруженный файл

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Melnychyn Marko

software engineer

Hi, my name is Marko. I am a front-end developer with Appexoft(StarApps) - Frontend developer
extensive experience in developing both large-scale
and small projects (web & mobile).
GreenBin(App) — the main idea of this application is to save the environment by encouraging customers of
large supermarket chains through a bonus system. It worked as follows - in supermarkets placed boxes with
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS a qr code into which customers will dump plastic productions after scanning its qr or barcode. After that,
points were accrued relative to the amount of plastic, with the help of which users could buy products in the
supermarket. Implemented user rating system. Users who scored the largest number of points in a certain
React, React Native, Next.js. period of time received additional points.
Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, MongoDB,
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Prisma, TypeORM, Water pumps (application for smartphones) is an application for users of water pumps of the company of the
Sequilize, Docker same name. Water pumps for agriculture, industry, washing industry and for personal use. Among the
JS, TS,HTML interesting functionality, you can note the pump performance test. It was necessary to enable the
CSS, SASS, Styled Component ,material ui, performance chec by clicking on the Check button and bringing the phone to the pump - the application
recorded an audio track for 60 seconds and sent it to the server for processing, after which the user received
React Spectrum, Tailwind. the result of the amount of water pumped in 1 minute.
Redux(Redux Toolkit, Redux Thunk, Redux
Saga), React Query, GraphQL, Effector
GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Figma, Trello, Zeplin, Veprof - Frontend developer
Jira, Asana, GitScrum.
CONTACTS Eurocash Cash & Carry Admin — this project is an admin system for the Eurocash Cash & Carry company.
Implemented role systems (9 of them in total). In total, the project has about 30 pages. There is a section for
clients and for administrators. The main product is online courses for retail workers. The admin system contains
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») information on how many courses have been sold, a rating and rating system has been implemented, who are
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») the buyers of these courses, and their effectiveness. There are 6 types of courses, among them: video courses,
audio courses and documentation courses.
Telegram: @marko333s
Covert is a website for Covert hunting camera users. Here we can view the latest photos, find out
the statistics on the camera (number of photos, charge, level of communication), you can also find out the
statistics on the number of photos for a certain period of time. The ability to sort the list of
cameras using drag and drop has been implemented. There is also Google Map integration — the
user can set the coordinates of his camera manually using a form or drag a marker on the map
and other al functionality. There is also a mobile version — the Covert application.

Perfsol- Frontend developer
SoftServe course - basic (HTML, CSS, JS) Projects

SoftServe course - advanced (React) Homeease - is a project created to facilitate the purchase and sale of real estate in the USA. The
role system was perfectly implemented here, the design was well thought out and the functionality is
understandable to everyone.
Technology stack: Next.js, Styled Components, Effector(state manager) and other additional libs

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