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Резюме от 22 февраля 2024 Файл




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Viktoriia Krysiuk
Middle Test Engineer

Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Skype: Viktoria Krysiuk

Summary of I have almost two years in IT industry. During this time, I have worked on long and
Qualifications short-term projects. As a Software Test Engineer, I have experience in working
with programming languages like JavaScript, C# and Java. Also, I have been caring
out test planning, requirements analysis, test design and software testing.
I have experience in testing desktop and web-based applications with the Scrum
methodology. Also, I have basic experience with API testing. Mainly I have
conducted automation testing – covering, writing, fixing and support test cases,
investigating of automation scope and analyzing CI/CD configuration. Also, I have
some experience in manual test activities.
In work with desktop automation testing, I used FlaUI Framework and automation
tool Sikuli. In work with web automation testing, I used Cypress and Git Actions,
working on MacOS.
I am open-minded, result-oriented, responsible and persistent performer. Also, I
have good soft and interpersonal skills.

Programming Languages/Technologies: Application/Web Servers:
▪ JavaScript ▪ Apache
▪ C#/Windows Forms
Development Tools:
▪ Java
▪ C++ ▪ Visual Studio 2019
▪ Python ▪ IntelliJ IDEA
▪ Pascal ▪ JetBrains RubyMine
▪ JetBrains Rider
▪ JetBrains TeamCity
▪ SQL Server/SQL ▪ TFS (Team Foundation Server)
▪ GitHub
Testing Tools:
▪ Agile, Scrum
▪ Test Design Techniques
Operating Systems:
▪ XPath/ CSS Selectors
▪ Microsoft Windows 8/10 ▪ Cypress
▪ MacOS ▪ Selenium WebDriver
Frameworks: ▪ Git Actions
▪ Postman/Swagger
▪ NUnit ▪ Cucumber
▪ JUnit ▪ Inspect
▪ Greenshot
Viktoria Krysiuk
Middle Test Automation Engineer

Experience: SoftServe

Web-based application for creating templates and agreements, editing,
managing and signing contracts
Project Description: The application provides AI-powered, end-to-end contract management and
analytics platform that takes manual, time-consuming, tedious tasks out of the
contracting process. Within the platform customers have everything they need to
write better contracts, analyze what's in existing contracts, and collaborate better
with their team at every step of the way.
Customer: USA company.
Involvement Duration: 9 months.
Project Role: AQA Engineer.
Responsibilities: ▪ writing test scripts based on existing automation framework (JavaScript,
Cypress, Jira)
▪ covering test cases,
▪ reporting bugs,
▪ gathering testing metrics,
▪ involving in team code review (Git),
▪ investigating automation scope,
▪ analyzing user stories requirements,
▪ analyzing and fixing regression daily (Git Actions, Cypress Dashboard),
▪ attend daily meetings with team and client.
Project Team Size: 20-25 team members.
Tools & Technologies: JavaScript, Cypress, Git Actions, Postman/Swagger, Jira, Confluence.

Desktop application for dentists, oriented on scheduling, managing and
analyzing customers information
Project Description: The client is the world’s largest provider of health care products and services to
office-based dental, medical and animal health practitioners. The Company also
serves dental laboratories, government and institutional health care clinics, and
other alternate care sites. Application provides tools for scheduling, appointment
booking, e-prescribing and monitoring continuing care, as well as various chart
Customer: USA company.
Involvement Duration: 9 months.
Project Role: Test Automation Engineer.
Responsibilities: ▪ covering, writing, fixing and support automation test cases,
▪ analyzing user stories requirements,
▪ investigating automation scope,
▪ resolving manual QC tasks,
▪ transferring part of automation scope from LEXUS to VA.
Project Team Size: 20-25 team members.
Tools & Technologies: C#, JetBrains Rider, Git, JetBrains TeamCity, PowerShell, Cerner, SMS SQL,
.Net Framework 4.7.1, GreenShot, Inspect, TFS (Team Foundation Server),

Viktoria Krysiuk
Middle Test Automation Engineer

Experience: SoftServe IT academy

Green City
Project Description: Educational project of the SoftServe IT Academy. It addresses the challenge of
significant changes in behavior and lifestyle of Lviv citizens. The site publishes eco
news that are useful for city residents. The main goal of this project is to help
people get sustainable eco habits in an easy and fun way, and gain support of the
likeminded people. Our team worked on UBS Courier part and implemented some
test of verifying its functional.
Customer: SoftServe IT Academy.
Involvement Duration: 3 months.
Project Role: Test Automation Engineer.
Responsibilities: ▪ Additions to the initial structure of the base page objects of the UBS Courier.
▪ Realization of the Eco store block in order form with radio buttons and fields
for entering order numbers.
▪ Implementing UI tests for verifying functionality with adding/canceling/editing
bonus certificates and with inputting an order in Eco store.
▪ Fix some tests after uploading project in own PC.
Project Team Size: 7 team members.
Tools & Technologies: Java, Git, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Jira, Confluence,
CSS/XPath Selectors, Maven, Page Object.

Project Description: OpenCart is an open-source content management system designed to create
online stores. On the basis of OpenCart, user can create an online store of any
complexity. Our team worked with one of OpenCart webstores and tested its
Customer: SoftServe Crash Course.
Involvement Duration: 2 months.
Project Role: Test Automation Engineer.
Responsibilities: ▪ Creating test cases and bug reports.
▪ Realization of page object for header page and search page.
▪ Using XPath locators for web elements.
▪ Implementing some tests for search products on page by keywords and by
Project Team Size: 5 team members.
Tools & Technologies: Java, Git, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Jira, Confluence,
CSS/XPath Selectors, Maven, Page Object.

Languages Ukrainian (Native).
English (Intermediate).
Polish (Elementary).

Viktoria Krysiuk
Middle Test Automation Engineer

Education Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

• Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
• Department of Theory of Optimal Processes,
• Master (2020 – 2022).

• Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
• Department of Computational Mathematics,
• Bachelor (2016 – 2020).

Additional 1. «Test Automation Engineer with Java» Internship at SoftServe Lviv IT Academy
education (courses, (12.05.2021 - 20.08.2021).
trainings, 2. «SoftServe Crash Course TAQC» (11.03.2021 – 13.05.2021).
certifications) 3. Course «Object-oriented programming. C#» at SoftServe Lviv IT Academy
(27.09.2018 – 15.11.2018).

Certificates 1. Name: «Quality Assurance and Automated Testing of Modern Software Systems»
Series: WA
№: 6161/2021
Click to verify:

2. Name: «TAQC Development Crash Course»
Series: AA
№: 5226/2021
Click to verify:

Hobbies Ballroom dancing,


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