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Резюме от 4 апреля 2023 Файл


Account, project manager

26 лет

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Chesnokov Account/Project Manager
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Phone (Telegram, WhatsApp): [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Andrii E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: Andrew Chesnokov
Skype: live:.cid.3a362ca5c7f6e16e

I am currently searching for a new opportunity in Account/Project Management. Ready to
work both online/offline. Owing to my previous experience in a managerial position, I can set priorities in the work
process. I have the ability to establish effective relationships with colleagues and clients. I have the initiative,
perseverance, and energy in achieving goals. I approach with responsibility in the implementation of professional
solutions. I have the ability to learn and work hard. Also, I have some experience in testing WEB applications, and
auto-tests creation using Java.

 Control over team performance (up to 15 people)  Experience with Selenium WebDriver, TestNG
tNPS and KPI  Understanding of web structure(HTML,CSS),
 Experience in creation of QA documentation: Test Chrome devTools
Plans, Test Cases and Bug Reports  Experience with version control system : GitHub
 Understanding of software development lifecycle, (basic commands)
QA process  Basic knowledge of Java SE, OOP principles.
 Understanding of Agile (Scrum) methodologies  Experience with OS: Windows, Linux(Ubuntu)
 Experience with Bug Tracking Systems :Mantis,  Experience with Oracle VM VirtualBox
 Experience with Test Management Systems:
TestLink, TestRail

Work experience:__________
Software Tester(training projects), Customer Support and Sales Manager,
PetStore “BestFriends”, January 2023 – Consultant “Vodafone Retail” LLC, May
February 2023,Swag Labs, December 2018 – October 2020
2022 – February 2023, ListBoxer, May  Servicing B2B and B2C subscribers of the "VF
2022 – June 2022 Ukraine" company, holding negotiations,
conclusion of agreements in the interests of the
 Developing and executing test cases in TestRail, company
checklists, test plan  Processing and systematisation of the database
 Web testing(Functional, Localization, Exploratory)  Training new employees
 Reporting bugs(Jira, Mantis)  Participating in a website content
 Creation and execution of auto-tests using creation(Magento)
JavaSE(Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven)  Working with FORIS, SIEBEL, JRM, Microsoft
 Functional testing Dynamics Nav, PowerBI,1C:ERP
 Requirements analysis  Representative of "VF Ukraine" company at
 Test case development and execution WeGame expo (2019)
 Functional testing, usability testing Sales Manager, “DNIPRO-M”, October
 Bug reporting(Jira) 2021- March 2022

2022-2023 GeeksForLess Inc., IT outsource company 2023 QATestLab, IT outsource company
Automation QA course Fundamentals of Software Testing
2022 Prog.Academy
QA Courses: 1) QA Start(Manual QA)
2) Java Start + QA Automation

2014-2021 Name of the Education Establishment: State University of Telecommunications
Program Subject Area: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Degree (diploma): Master
Professional Qualification: Telecommunications Engineer

English – Upper-Intermediate (B2)
Ukrainian – native speaker
Russian – native speaker

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