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Резюме от 8 апреля 2023 Файл


Node.js backend developer

24 года

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Artur Bondarenko
Node.JS Developer
1+ years of experience
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Ukraine, Kyiv

○ Highly motivated and skilled Node.js Developer with hands-on experience in building server-side applications using
Nest.js and Express.js.
○ Experience deploying containers on cloud platforms such as AWS (EC2, S3, ECS, EKS, ECR) and free services such
as Heroku, Vercel, Render, Netlify
○ Containerization experience using Docker to build lightweight and portable applications and manage the scaling of
containerized applications through Kubernetes
○ Expertise in working with databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL
○ Self-motivated, takes the initiative to work independently, demonstrating lateral thinking and being detail- oriented
○ Quick learner with a strong ability to adapt to new technologies and collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams.
○ Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team

JavaScript/Typescript, Backend Web Development (Node.js, SQL and NoSQL DB),
Core competencies DevOps(AWS, Docker, K8S)

Technical skills
Programming languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
Back-end Frameworks & Express.js, NestJS
Libraries & Tools:
Databases/ORM: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Sequalize, Mongoose, TypeORM, Prisma
Messaging for applications:: RabbitMQ
Cloud platforms: AWS, Heroku, Vercel, Render, NeonTech, MongoDB Atlas, Netlify
Virtualization and Docker, Kubernetes
Version control systems: GIT, GitHub
API technologies: GraphQL, REST API, WebSocket
Testing: Jest

Zaporizhzhia National University
Master of Business Administration in Economy
Education Backend development
IMT Academy
Frontend development

Full course JavaScript+React
Certificates Microservices - patterns and practice of building microservices
Kubernetes from Scratch for DevOps Engineers
AWS - From Zero to Professional (Amazon Web Services)

Recent and major projects

Project #1: Blogger Platform API

Stack: JavaScript/Typescript, Experess.js, Nest.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Vercel, Heroku,
Mongoose, TypeORM
Role: NodeJS developer
Project The Blogger Platform API project built using Node.js is a web application that allows bloggers
description: to interact with their blogs programmatically. It provides a RESTful API that allows bloggers to
create, read, update, and delete blog posts, manage blog comments, and retrieve various
blog-related data. The project is built using Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime that allows
for server-side scripting, and other web technologies such as Express, a fast and flexible web
application framework, and MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database for storing blog data.
Achievements: ○ Comment Management: The API provides functionality for managing comments on blog
posts. Bloggers can retrieve comments for a specific blog post, create new comments,
update existing comments, and delete comments as needed.
○ User Authentication and Authorization: The API includes user authentication and
authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized bloggers can perform operations
on their blogs. Authentication can be implemented using various strategies, such as
token-based authentication
○ API Documentation: The API includes comprehensive documentation that describes the
available endpoints, request and response formats, authentication and authorization
requirements, and usage examples

Project #2: Online store API

Stack: JavaScript/Typescript, Express, Node.JS, Sequelize ORM, PostgreSQL, Docker
Role: Node.JS Developer
Project The online store project built using Node.js is a web application that allows users to browse,
description: search, and purchase products online. It provides an e-commerce platform where users can
register, log in, add products to their cart, place orders, and make payments.
Achievements: ○ Implement a catalog of products, organized into categories, with product details such as
name, description, price, and images.
○ Error Handling and Logging: The application includes robust error handling and logging
mechanisms to capture and report errors, exceptions, and other unexpected behaviors.
○ Implemented functionality for upload images for using the multer library
○ Security: The online store implements security features such as data encryption,
password hashing, and input validation to protect user data

Project #3: Live coding challenge application

Stack: Node.JS, NEST.JS, Docker, TypeScript, RabbitMQ, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS EC2,
Kubernetes, Sequelize, PostgreSQL
Role: Node.JS Developer
Project Application, which allows to work collaborative, to create livecoding challenge, evaluate
description: candidates, to do quiz and questions pool, appoint interview, manage mnemonic cards.
Admin functionality includes management of charts, statistics, feature-flags, access groups for
This product was created from scratch to pre-production. Already was tested by focus group
and got success feedback.
Achievements: ○ Quiz/Test Creation: The platform allows educators or administrators to create quizzes and
tests by defining questions, answer choices, and correct answers. They can specify
different question types such as multiple-choice, true/false, or open-ended, and set the
difficulty level, time limit, and other parameters for the assessments.
○ Assessment Taking: Users can take quizzes and tests online, answering questions and
submitting their answers. The platform provides real-time feedback on the correctness of
answers, and calculates the scores or grades based on the assessment settings.
○ User Registration and Authentication: The platform includes user registration and
authentication mechanisms to allow users to create accounts, log in, and track their

Project #4: Inctagram API

Stack: Node.js(Nestjs), Docker, PostgreSQL, Swagger, TypeScript, AWS, Multer, S3 bucket, PayPal
API, Prisma ORM, OAuth2
Role: Node.JS Developer
Project The Inctagram API project involves building a clone of the popular social media platform
description: Instagram. The project aims to create a similar user experience as Instagram, allowing users
to register, login, post and manage photos and videos, interact with other users through likes,
comments, and messaging, and discover and follow other users' content.
Achievements: ○ Profile Management: Allow users to create and manage their user profiles, including
uploading profile pictures, updating profile information, and managing privacy settings.
○ User Authentication and Authorization: Implement user authentication and authorization
using Instagram's API authentication methods, such as OAuth 2.0
○ Media Upload and Management: Allow users to upload and manage their photos and
videos on S3 bucket

Project #5: Chat APP

Stack: Node.JS, Express.js, WebSockets, Socket.IO, JavaScript
Role: Node.JS Developer
Project This Application is for internal communication within the company. There you can create
description: conversations and dialogue with yourself, private conversations.
Achievements: ○ Real-time Messaging: Implement real-time messaging functionality using technologies
such as WebSocket, Socket.io, to enable users to send and receive messages in real-
time, facilitating smooth and interactive conversations.
○ Chat Rooms and Group Chats: Implement chat rooms or group chat functionality,
allowing users to create or join chat r
○ Notifications: Implement notifications functionality, such as notification when a new user
enters the chat

Project #6: Microservice API

Stack: Node.JS, NestJS, MongoDB, Moongose, RabbitMQ, NX
Role: Node.JS Developer
Project A microservice project involves the design, development, and deployment of a system made
description: up of multiple microservices that work together to provide a complete application or solution.
The project is a scalable, fault-tolerant and easy-to-maintain system that can evolve and adapt
to changing business requirements and efficiently handle large workloads.
Achievements: ○ Each microservice focuses on a specific domain or functionality of the application and
communicates with other services through lightweight protocols such as REST
○ Security: Implement robust security measures, such as authentication, authorization,
encryption, and data validation, to protect microservices and their communication from
unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.

Hobbies Powerlifting, Reading, Cycling


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