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Unity 3D розробник

26 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Demidov Roman
Unity Developer

Mobile Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Age: 25 years (12.11.1997)

Location: Ternopil, Ukraine

Nationality: Ukrainian

Languages: Ukrainian (native),

Russian (fluent), English (B1)

Linkedin: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Telegram: https://t.me/Roman_Demidov_RD

EDUCATION Ivan Pul'uj Ternopil National Technical University 2019-2022 -
Software Engineering

EXPERIENCE Moonmana Games - Unity Developer
2020 - 2023

Unity, Git, Jira, Mercurial/TortoiseHG
Programming languages:
C#, , С++, TypeScript, Action script

Addressables, Zenject, Firebase, Unity - new and old Input system, Ragdoll,
Animation Rigging, DoTween, Cinemachine, MyBox, CloudBuilder, ProBuilder,
New and old animation system, Shader graph.

About Me:

I am a programmer with experience working in various versions of Unity, possessing a deep
understanding of C# and good skills in OOP, ECS and SOLID. I enjoy developing as a
professional, learning new technologies, and enhancing my qualifications. My
accomplishments include the development of a system that significantly accelerated the
release and configuration of a game during the testing phase. I possess personal qualities
such as perseverance, stress resistance, rationality, and communicability. In my free time, I
enjoy playing open-world games, exploring their details, and recreating interesting
mechanics on my own.

Company: Moonmana, Fabros
Project: Battle module
Platforms: Windows, Android, IOS
Technology used: C#, Unity, ECS

Tasks performed:
● Creating new attributes
● Creating an editor window for attributes
● Adding aura mechanics
● Creating demo for the module to demonstrate its capabilities
● Сreating a demo for the client-server demonstration of the module's capabilities
● Сreating tools for designers (Working with internal module systems)
● Adding new battle mechanics
● Fixing bugs.


Project: Voice and Lang Editors
Platforms: Windows
Technology used: C#, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Tasks performed:
● Adding collapse hierarchy (all and selected)
● Adding auto-Select Entry
● Adding window session saving
● Adding renaming entries
● Fixing bugs.

Company: Moonmana
Project: Web game (Under NDA)
Platforms: Browsers
Technology used: Action script, Haxe

Tasks performed:
● Integration new graphics
● Features development
● Adding new gameplay elements (swimming pool, track curve)
● Creating builds
● Bug fixing.

Project: Cross-platform co-op game
Genre: Arcade
Platforms: PS4, Nintendo, XBOX
Technology used: Unity, C#, Git, Jira

Tasks performed:
● Work with GDK for Xbox
● Work with Input system
● Work with leaderboards
● Work with UI
● Adding menu item
● Adding user seving and switching
● Bug fixing.


Project: Mobile casual action game
Platforms: Android, IOS
Technology used: Unity, C#, Mercurial/TortoiseHG

Tasks performed:
● Game features implementation
● Optimization via profiler, frame debugger
● in-game logic (low-performing places, memory allocations, memory leaks);
● in graphics rendering (work with shaders, lighting, and others);
● in build size
● UI implementation
● Work with physics
● Work with sprites and sprite atlases
● Adding new assets
● Adding animation logic
● Making some editor tooling
● Bug fixing.

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