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Резюме от 16 мая 2023 Файл


DevOps engineer (QA Automation)

26 лет
Город проживания:
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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Subhan Ibrahimli R [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
‡ github.com/shortcuter4
H [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

• Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey
B.S. in Computer Engineering 2016 – 2022
Automata Theory | Computer Vision | Software Engineering Project Management
Software Engineering Project Management | Application Lifecycle Management
Software Architecture Design | Object-Oriented Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence | Programming Languages | Database Systems | Operating Systems
(*Leave of absence in academic education in 2021-2022)

• Argedor Ankara, Turkey
DevOps Engineer Mar 2022 - Jan 2023
◦ Built and maintained a continuous integration and delivery pipeline using Jenkins and GitLab, enabling
rapid deployment and frequent releases.
◦ Designed and implemented a cloud-based system using AWS and Docker, resulting in a reduction in
infrastructure costs and improvement in system reliability.
◦ Dockerized NextJS or ReactJS and Nginx at a single dockerfile and deployed web servers on Amazon EC2
◦ Maintained EC2 instances using AWS tools such as Elastic Load Balancing, EBS, Elastic IP, ensuring
optimal performance and cost efficiency.
◦ Deployed and configured Nginx web servers on Amazon EC2 instances, handling static content web pages.
◦ Familiarity with Amazon ECR, ECS, EKS by contributing in the development of other ongoing project.
◦ Configured and managed Prometheus for monitoring applications, and created Grafana dashboard for
visualising application metrics, resulting in improved observability.

• Code2 Ankara, Turkey
QA Automation Engineer Jun 2021 - Dec 2021
◦ Created and executed automated tests using Cypress, Mocha, and Cucumber for web applications,
resulting in improved test coverage and faster feedback
◦ Worked closely with developers and stakeholders to understand requirements, identify test scenarios, and
ensure quality throughout the software development lifecycle

• Data Processing Center Baku, Azerbaijan
Software Engineer Intern Aug 2020 - Sep 2020
◦ Redesign the given website prototype using Django framework. Learnt how Django system works,
including SQLite, creating admin panel and designing small database for users, posts and more relating.

• Somera Ankara, Turkey
Software Engineer Intern Jun 2018 - Sep 2018
◦ Developed web scraping scripts using Python and Beautiful Soup to collect data on social media, market
trends. Configured and deployed Scrapy spiders to crawl websites and extract data as JSON format.
• Group2: We have written a paper named as ”A Least Absolute Residuals Method for Optimizing Parameters of Focal
Loss” based on object detection problem. In this paper, we proposed a method to relate the parameters of the focal loss
to drop the degree of freedom to one further optimizing the hyper-parameter search step of the industrial applications by
exploiting the apparent power relation of the parameters in a range of value. This paper was suggested to improvised
further and planned to be published. Source : github.com/shortcuter4/FocalLossOptimization, Jan 2020
• A-Tab - Senior Design Project: The aim of the project is to deal with the time inefficiency problem that is faced in
most cafeterias and restaurants. The proposed solution helps the customers to see the costs of the meals they ordered by
taking a photo of the meals. Oct 2020 - May 2021
• Quackmire: Providing alternative hints/clues for the 5x5 crossword puzzle published in The New York Times with an
AI based program by using Selenium/Scrapy, and Java FX for user interface. May 2020
• Watermelon: A new programming language for propositional calculus is designed by using Lex (lexical analyzer) and
Yacc (parser). Knowledge used in the implementation was from Programming Languages course. Mar 2019
• IQ Puzzler: The game is single player brain teaser.By using JavaFx, GUI was made. Level and Piece creation was
implemented by me.We also made a design report as a team, including various diagrams. Oct 2018 - Jan 2018
• Biluber: An android application that helps customers and drivers interact with each other in terms of needs of
transport vehicle. By using Firebase database, extraction of required information and an authentication system was
made by me. 2017

Technical Skills
Programming languages C++ (OOP), Java (OOP), Python
Cloud computing platforms AWS
Containerization and Deployment Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins
Software & Tools Nginx, Cypress, Spring, REST, Django, Scrapy, Selenium
Web Development HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
OS Linux

Non-Technical Skills
• Good written and verbal communication skills, experience with technical writing, documentation and
presentation, ability to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
• Fast learner with a passion of being up to date and being able to contribute to team as quick as possible.
• Adaptable teammate with a proven ability to thrive in dynamic environments and adjust quickly to
changing priorities.
• Detail-oriented software engineer with a keen eye for accuracy and a track record of delivering high-quality
work that meets or exceeds project requirements.

Hobbies & Interest
Photography | Table tennis | House Music | Reading blog | Language Learning | Graphic design

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