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Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Полтава, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Iryna Toister [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (Telegram)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
UI/UX designer Linkedin
Poltava, Ukraine / Remote

Summary skills
I am a results-oriented UI/UX designer with up to a Desing Thinking

year of commercial experience creating visually User Experience

appealing and intuitive mobile applications. Proficient User Research

in translating user needs into innovative design
User Interviews

solutions, utilizing a strong foundation in user-centered
design principles. Skilled in wireframing, prototyping, User Intarface Design

and conducting user testing to optimize product User Personas

usability. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional Information architecture

teams to deliver high-quality designs that align with CJM

business objectives. Proven ability to meet deadlines. User Stories

Passionate about staying abreast of industry trends
and continuously refining design skills to drive
Kano Model

impactful user experiences. I have time management, Mobile Design App

planning and prioritization skills. User Flow




nowember 2023 - in real time Typography

Usability Testing

mentor UI/UX Designer
Css, Html
Mate Academy
At this position, my main responsibilities are checking
students' homework on various topics that may relate tools
to process design. I provide support and motivation for Figma

students in difficult moments. I also conduct technical

knowledge checks and answer their questions
Proto Pie

regarding the theory that UI/UX designers should
know and practice. Maze


lan g uag e
English - Intermediate
April 2023 - in real time courses
UI/UX Designer
Mioris 2023
UI/UX design
Project: Erudite: Trivia Quiz Mind Mate academy
Mobile Game
I ensured the transfer of all Adobe Illustrator files to 2023
Figma, created a UI kit for this product, which is Learning how to
conveniently used by designers and developers. learn
Created new user flows. Fully developed the Deep teaching
authorization flow for this application, thought out the solutions
logic for this flow and completely sketched the design,
and updated the UI kit according to new needs. Took 2023
part in creating advertising creatives, etc. Introduction to
user interaction
Project: Miogym, Learning Mobile Game design
for Toddlers Georgia institute of
I ensured the transfer of all Adobe Illustrator files to technology
Figma, created a UI kit for this product, which is
conveniently used by designers and developers. I 2023
followed and updated the UI kit according to changes UX FUNDAMENTALS
in the design. Took part in creating creatives. gymnasium
Project: Interactive Cartoon App 2022
I ensured the transfer of all Adobe Illustrator files to Web Developer
Figma, created a UI kit for this product, which is ITEA
conveniently used by designers and developers. I
followed and updated the UI kit according to changes 2022
in the design. Participated in the development of new UI/UX design
flows for the game and the development of
advertising creatives. Updated the UI kit according to Beetroot Academy
new needs that appeared during the development of
new design solutions. Preparation of data for the
transfer of developers to freelance. education
Master of
Systems and
Poltava State Agrarian

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