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Резюме от 22 мая 2023 Файл


Product manager

27 лет

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Hello, I’m Alena
I am an active and hardworking person who has good communication and negotiation skills.
I know how to allocate my time, evaluate my strength and work in multitasking mode, set
priorities. I am able to make decisions and take responsibility for my obligations and try to
resolve difficult situations. I am always ready for new challenges and opportunities. My
life motto: never give up!


Trade Marketer of goods Procter&Gamble /
Sales/Trade marketing department|SAVSERVICE
4 years Introduction of negotiations, regular meetings with the manufacturer
Development, launch, presentation to the team of promo activities, product
category development strategies for traditional and modern trade channels
Launching a new product: preparing a presentation for the team, conducting a
presentation of the new product to the team, developing a strategy for promoting
the product on the market, calculating the necessary budget for the
implementation of the offer, launching the strategy, ensuring the visual
representation of the product on the shelf at customers.
Planning, forecasting, and control of costs and use of product category budgets,
regular updating of fund adequacy, initiation of fund increase.
Monitor sales dynamics by category/brand/sales channel.
Forecasting sales of product categories in an annual/quarterly/monthly cycle.
Analyze competitors within the framework of sales channels, customers, and
brands: regular prices, promo prices, and launch of drives.
Project leadership.
Constant communication with all departments: sales, logistics, analytics, and

2019-2019 Analyst of commodity market |SAVSERVICE
Analysis of sales of the company's products by categories, brands, sales
1 year channel
Calculation of client compensations
Control over the implementation of promotional programs for clients
Optimization and automation of processes
Preparation of monthly reports
Conducting analytics on the balance of funds

Customer's Business Development Specialist
1,5 years
Preparation and analysis of data on distribution, prices, product
placement, merchandising, based on data from business systems (by
brands, sales channels and customers) by downloading from RTDC,
Nielsen, Office Plus databases.
Constant communication with clients
Creating shopping cards in Coupa
Monitoring "Postcards and stamps" of customers
Working with POSM materials
Visual Image Database Update (POSM)
Control of the process of extracting product samples for the company's
Monitoring the movement of materials for initiatives and contacts with
agencies Preparation of regular reports on the compliance of the
assortment of national customers with the target.

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