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Резюме от 3 мая 2024 Файл


Music supervisor, director, producer, coordinator, editor

39 лет
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Oksana Vasylchenko

Kyiv Ukraine

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Professional More than 10 years of working experience in the field of TV, theatrical
Summary and concert show as music director, music editor and designer, sound
producer and sound engineer. Taught sound directing courses at a
university and organized an educational process (as a methodologist of
the department). Also administration and project management of a
recording studio.

• Creation of musical image of • Organization and coordination of
show processes
• Music editing and sound design • Recording studio administration
• Sound engineering of live • Knowledge of music production
performances libraries and popular music
• Project Management

Work History Music Director of the TV Shows
06.2021 - 11.2022 “Ukraine's Got Talent “, “Танці. World of Dance” - Kyiv, UA

Ukraine's Got Talent-10 season became the most rated show of autumn
TV season 2021 in Ukraine
Was responsible for music in show:
• purchase of copyrights for use of music together with lawyers, budget
• coordination of artistic tasks of performance
• search and selection of music to show, recording of original
phonograms for live broadcast participants
• searching, hiring, setting tasks and coordinating music editors, arrangers
and recording engineers
• organization and coordination of filming process (musical and sound
playback, synchronization of music, graphics and video, coordination of
tasks with artists)

07.2011 - 01.2023 Music Editor
STB TV Channel - Kyiv, UA
Projects: “The X - Factor”, “Ukraine's Got Talent”, “Eurovision song
contest”, "The Bachelor", "Secrets of DNA", "All together now" and other.
Created music for more than 500 episodes, more than 10 different shows
• Music and sound design
• Live sound/ music playback
• Recording engineer of shows
• Maintained copyrights support documentation
Music Editor/Live Sound Engineer
10.2019 - 01.2020 Starlight Entertainment - Kyiv, UA
Project: “Winterra. Легенда казкового лісу” 5D Show
47 live 5D shows was played during the New Year holidays
• Created musical selection of music for show
• Setting QLab, synchronization of music, light, graphic projections on
• Headset setup
• Worked as a live sound engineer at 47 performances

11.2018 - 10.2019 Administrative Manager
Holywood UA Recording Space - Kyiv, UA
Development and promotion of recording studio in Kiev
• Edited and filled studio site
• Studio promotion in social networks
• Finding Clients
• Organizated more than 50 presentations, master classes and events in
• Project and records management

03.2007 - 08.2014 Senior Lecturer, Methodologist of the Highest Category
The National Academy of Senior Specialists of Culture and Arts - Kyiv, UA
• 6 years of teaching of lectures and practical exercises of courses:
“Basics of sound engineering”, “Live sound engineering”, “Sound
engineering of theatrical performances and shows”, “Digital sound
• Written 10 articles and 4 educational work programs
• Development of methodological complex and plans, organization of
educational process
• Successful preparation of materials for accreditation and licensing of
specialty "Sound Engineering" in Academy and license renewal

03.2008 - 05.2014 Live Sound Engineer
Restaurant-club "Dakota" - Kyiv, UA
6 years of work as live sound engineer, more than 600 concerts
• Discussion of technical conditions of performances with music groups,
preparation of sound equipment
• Sound setting during sound checks
• Live sound mixing at concerts
• Checking and maintenance of sound equipment in qualitatively
working condition

08.2018 Course Completion, Journalist. TV Presenter, Media Star - Kyiv, Ukraine

03.2008 Master of Science, Management of Cultural Activities And Art, National
Academy of Senior Specialists of Culture - Kyiv, Ukraine

02.2008 Master of Arts, Sound Engineering. Musicologist, National Academy of
Senior Specialists of Culture - KYIV, Ukraine

07.2004 Bachelor of Arts, Piano, Poltava Music College N.a. M.V. Lysenko -
Poltava, Ukraine

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