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Node.js developer

34 года

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Nikolay Aliferov
NodeJS Developer

Date of birth: 17 Oct 1989 (33 years)
Location: Kiev
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

I am a developer with over 7 years of experience. I mainly work on NodeJS. I have a lot of experience
with PHP. I was developing a microservice in Golang. In my spare time I am doing pet projects like RPC
framework or micro operation system, reading tech articles about methods of application scaling for
example. I am currently interested in creating an operating system. At work, I am always happy to take
part in the discussion of decisions and feel responsible for the project. For me, the project's success
depends on the organization of processes, the meaningfulness of technical solutions, and a pinch of good

Stack and tools
NodeJs, Javascript, ES6, Typescript, Express, GoLang, PHP, HTML, CSS, React;

OOP, Design Patterns, SOLID, DRY, KISS;

HTTP, Websocket, JWT, OAuth;

Memcached, Redis, MySQL, Vertica;

Gearman, RabbitMQ;

NPM, Webpack, ELK stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Percona MM, Swagger, Postman, PHPUnit, Git, SSH,
Nginx, Docker, Kubernetes, Microk8s, Helm, Jenkins, Linux (curl, crontab), Jira, WebStorm.

Professional skills
● Over 8 years of experience designing and implementing back-end APIs and business logic, focusing
on NodeJS these days;
● Participating in the entire product lifecycle developing features and improvements in a secure,
scalable, and efficient way;
● Have theoretical knowledge and practical skills in frontend;
● Give and receive code review feedback with the team. Mentorship of junior colleagues;
● Combining autonomy in decision-making with the ability to work in a team.
● Organization, preparation, and conducting of demos and presentations;
Backend Developer
from 03.2022 – present time
Dot Services (Custom analytics services & advanced analytic architectures)
Some of my projects:
● Development of an application for analytics and control of elevators using the library Plotly Dash;
● Development of data collection architecture for eCommerce product (marketing analytics, sales
● Setting up CI/CD processes;
● Developer mentoring, code reviews. Creating technical for developers.

Backend Software Engineer
from 07.2015 to 06.2021 (6 years 11 months)
Genesis Tech (Digital media, mobile apps and e-commerce)
Some of my projects:
● Creating a chatbot with Nodejs;
● Porting and rewriting a large amount of legacy code to a new framework (Symfony);
● Development of a service for determining the location by IP address (GoLang) and providing geo data
(cities, regions, countries, etc.);
● Development of a mobile version of the site;
● Refactoring of the site localization service;
● Development of an API for managing mail notifications;
● Integration of the payment system;
● Refactoring of the functionality for searching, selecting and comparing common properties (gender,
age, city, etc.);
● Development and support of the admin dashboard, including the transfer of functionality from jquery to
● Implementation of user authorization through social networks (Facebook, etc);
● Export data from advertising cabinets using API;
● Integration of user support service Zendesk;
● Tracking data from Zendesk to a database for analytics;
● Writing tests (unit, functional);
● Support and maintenance development environment based on Docker, Kubernetes, Helm;
● Performing code reviews, refactoring recommendations;
● Mentoring junior specialist.

Junior PHP Developer
from 05.2014 to 07.2015 (1 year 2 months)
Genesis Tech (Digital media, mobile apps and e-commerce)
Some of my projects:
● Making of website layout;
● Tasks for site localization for different locations;
● Integration of new functionality and support for the old: uploading and moderating photos, filling out a
user profile, push notification for a user, the ability to exchange messages, user registration;
● Development of an embedded application in social network;
● Export data from advertising cabinets using API;
● Environment setup for nginx + php + mysql + redis + gearman development.
​Bachelor's Degree, Institute of Philology, Language and Literature (English)
from 09.2006 to 03.2011
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kiev

Language skills
English — Upper Intermediate

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