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Резюме от 27 сентября 2023



Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
20 лет

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Опыт работы


с 02.2022 по наст. время (2 года 4 месяца)
Freelance, Одеса (Приватні особи)

*Worked with massive casino on a position “Casion copywriter”
*Made over 100 tasks including: Social texts, email texts, banners and etc.
*Designed and crafted production descriptions for 7 dropshipping businesses to enhance their online sales.
* Assisted in increasing customer engagement through social media platforms, primarily Twitter, by creating captivating and persuasive content.
* Actively managed email campaigns, ensuring effective and personalized communication with the target audience.
* Achieved outstanding results in driving conversions and revenue growth for the businesses I worked with.
* Seeking new job opportunities to further develop and expand my copywriting skills and contribute to the success of a new organization.

Key Skills and Accomplishments

* Proficient in creating compelling and persuasive copy that resonates with the target audience and drives action.
* Proven ability to generate engaging content for social media platforms, resulting in increased brand visibility and customer interaction.
* Experienced in managing email marketing campaigns, utilizing segmentation and personalization techniques for maximum effectiveness.
* Results-oriented work approach, demonstrated by successful collaborations with drop shipping businessmen and their business growth.

Why I am the Right Fit

* Passionate about copywriting and constantly looking to learn and improve my skills.
* In-depth understanding of the online marketplace and consumer behavior, enabling me to craft persuasive copy that generates results.
* Committed to delivering high-quality work on time and exceeding client expectations.
* Excellent communication and collaboration skills, fostering strong relationships with clients and team members.

Let's Connect!

If you are looking for a motivated and skilled copywriter to join your team, I would love to discuss how my experience and abilities align with your organization's goals. Please feel free to reach out to me for further discussion or to request additional samples of my work.

Looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team's success!

Знания и навыки

Пунктуальність HTML CSS JavaScript MySQL React Bootstrap Комунікабельність Креативність SEO-копірайтинг Іміджевий копірайтинг Рекламний копірайтинг Технічний копірайтинг Копірайтинг (мобільні ігри) Копірайтинг (криптовалюта) SMS-копірайтинг Швидкий набір тексту Постинг контенту

Знание языков

  • Английский — свободно
  • Украинский — продвинутый

Другие резюме этого кандидата

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Журналіст, копірайтер




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Автор тексту
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