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Резюме от 3 июня 2024 Файл


UX/UI Designer

30 лет
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Maria Legeta
UX/UI Designer
Looking for a position as a UX/UI designer with a
possibility to grow technically. Attention to details, a
desire to improve, ease of communication, high level of
motivation, and creative vision are some of my key
qualities. I value high-quality and clear UX, which is what
I strive for in my projects.

Telegram Education:

Linkedin Creative Practice
Phone: Photoshop Basics 14.01.2022 (3 months)
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Illustrator Basics 20.01.2022 (3 months)
Behance: Figma Basics 03.02.2022 (3 months)
https://www.behance.net/legeta Design Basics 04.02.2022 (3 months)
Location: Web Design basics 15.03.2022 (3 months)
Ivano-Frankivsk - Ukraine UX/UI. Interface design 12.04.2022 (3 months)
Graphic design. Composition 01.02.2023 (3 months)
Skills: Webflow Basics in process (3 months)
After Effects Basics in process (3 months)
User Experience
Frontend Basics. HTML and CSS in process (3 months)
User Interface Design
Visual Design Shendrikov.Education
User Flow Web-Design 13.03.2023 (3 months)
Creation UI-Kit
Prototyping Experience:
In search of a full-time position within a team, as I
Technical Skills: believe it offers the best opportunities for a designer's
growth. Being part of a team allows us to share
Figma - advanced experiences and learn from one another. Meanwhile,
Illustrator - average during my search, I am taking on freelance projects and
Photoshop - basic collaborating with developers on various projects.
Webflow - basic
Language Skills:
O ne of my hobbies is reading. I like to learn new things,
Ukrainian - native especially when it comes to design and psychology. At
English - intermediate the moment, my top design books are "The Design of
Polish - basic Everyday Things" by Don Norman and "User Story
Mapping: discover the whole story, build the right
product" by Jeff Patton, Peter Economy. I will always have
something to recommend reading.

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