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Резюме от 12 февраля 2024 Файл


Financial analyst

32 года

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон .

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Place of residence: Kyiv
Date of birth: 19.03.1992
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Knowledge of foreign languages: English – Intermediate. Budgeting: Cash-flow, Profit & Loss and oth.
Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of
15.09.2022 – Ukraine:
present Chief Specialist of the Critical Infrastructure Division of the Department of
Implementation of Priority Projects of Regional Development and Critical
Infrastructure. Key tasks:
 analysis and development of documents regarding the protection of critical infrastructure
 processing of documents, financial and economic calculations and analytical conclusions
regarding of the expediency of assigning critical infrastructure objects to the category of
Main results:
 more than 900 objects are classified as critical infrastructure objects;
 the sectoral list of critical infrastructure objects was approved and entered into the
National Register of critical infrastructure objects.
Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:
25.06.2019 – Chief Specialist of the Budget Policy Sector of the Budget, Tax and Customs Policy
14.09.2022 Division of the Department for Financial and Economic Development. Key tasks:
 examinations and expert opinions on more than 110 draft legislative acts regarding
compliance with the budgetary, tax, and financial legislation of Ukraine and
expert-analytical assurance of the expediency of adopting acts;
 macroeconomic and macro-financial analyzes and examinations of Laws on the State
Budget of Ukraine, amendments to the Budget, Tax, and Customs Codes of Ukraine for
the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Office of the President of Ukraine;
 developed and agreed analytical materials for up to 30 trips of the Prime Minister of
Ukraine on budget policy issues across Ukraine;
 processed more than 300 appeals from People's Deputy of Ukraine on budgetary, tax and
customs policy issues.
29.12.2018 – State Expert of the Expert Group on Cooperation in the Areas of Customs and
24.06.2019 Financial Policy, Taxation, Entrepreneurship, Financial Services and Competition of
the Government Office for the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic
Integration. Main results:
 examinations and expert opinions on more than 50 draft acts of legislation for the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for compliance
with international legal obligations of Ukraine in the field of European integration and
the law of the European Union;
 analysis and analytics of cooperation with the European Union in the fields of
economic, financial policy and financial services;
 coordination of the activities of central executive authorities aimed at the
implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine:
27.02.2018 – Chief Specialist of the Department of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
28.12.2018 and European Integration. Main results:
 holding 5 joint intergovernmental commissions between Ukraine and the countries of
the world, in particular Ukrainian-Saudi, Ukrainian-Kuwaiti and others;
 development of more than 10 analysts regarding trade and economic cooperation (TEC)
between Ukraine and the countries of the world;
 development of more than 10 analytical Backgrounder countries for the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry for trade and economic cooperation;
 financial and economic calculations, analytical and expert support for the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of bilateral trade and economic cooperation.
01.11.2014– Kyiv National University of Economics.
31.10.2017 Postgraduate of the Finance Department speciality “Money, Finance and Credit”.
Dissertation research topic: “Budget Planning: Priority Principles and Ways of
Improvement”. Main results:
 5 scientific articles were published, including 1 in an international journal (Greece);
 3 practical implementations were carried out in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the National Bank.
01.08.2014– State enterprise “Ukrspirt”, Economist-Financier of the 1st category of Division of
31.10.2014 Internal Financial Control and Audit of the Department of Control and Audit Work.
07.07.2014– LLC “Trading and Industrial Company”
23.07.2014 Economist of the planning and economic division.
30.09.2013– Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, pre-diploma internship (6 months),
06.12.2013 Division of Budget Planning of the State Budget Department. The subject matter of the
and thesis: “Budget Planning in Ukraine: Essence, Problems and Ways of Improvement”.
03.02.2014– Main results:
06.06.2014  macroeconomic and macro-financial analysis of the State Budget of Ukraine
for 5 years, financial and economic calculations and analysis of changes to the Budget,
Tax and Customs Codes of Ukraine, analysis of budget programs;
 analysis of the implementation of the State Budget of Ukraine for 5 years;
 analysis of documents and legal acts regarding budget, tax and customs policy.
06.04.2017– Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, internship,
06.05.2017 Department of Economic Strategy and Macroeconomic Forecasts. Main results:
 macroeconomic and macro-financial analysis, analytics of financial markets,
in particular weekly, monthly analytical conclusion, forecasts;
 financial and economic calculations and analysis of the volatility of financial markets;
 development of normative legal acts on macroeconomic forecasting and financial
markets and on macro-financial stabilization.
EDUCATION: Kyiv National University of Economics
01.09.2013– Master's degree in “Finance and credit” with honors.
01.09.2009– Bachelor's degree in “Finance and credit” with honors.
Skills of working with regulatory and legal acts: work with portals: LEAGUE: LAW and other,
experience in working with budget, tax, customs legislation.
COMPUTER SKILLS: MS Office, working with databases, knowledge of electronic document
management systems Askod, Megapolis and others.

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