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Резюме от 27 июля 2023 Файл



Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Харьков

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Oleksandr Mavrynskyi
Kiev, Ukraine 🌐 alterworld.pp.ua 📞t.me/jreydman
Little developer in big IT world. Open to hearing about Back End Developer, Full
Stack Developer and Data Engineer positions.

Skills & Requirements
Positions: Back End, Full Stack, Data Engineer

Core skills: JavaScript, C#, PHP, Go, Lua

Other skills: Vue, Symfony, Nodejs, Apache, Ocemu


Freelance (own Alterworld com)
<remote>, Ukraine 01/2023 - Present(7 months)

Fulfilled orders for development/commercial applications. One of these projects was
Consider, it was semi-commercial.

There were also a number of other projects, but I did not do full-fledged development
there, so they do not require attention in the resume.

Front-end developer |internship| (Distributed Lab com)
Kharkov, Ukraine 12/2021 - 02/2022(3 months)

I did an internship in this company for ≈2 months as a Front-end developer,
unfortunately, due to circumstances, I was forced to stop my activities there.

The war began, there were many moves and I was offered to take a break.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

123 - computer engineering and computer
Ave 85 2020-present


ITracker | `your favourite system monitor` ↗️ 04/2023 - Present(4 months)

– Part of the project is hidden for security reasons and because the build is in development mode

Images: https://shorturl.at/sLNV6 Site: http://itraker.alterworld.pp.ua

This application is intended for scanning and monitoring computer systems with the possibility of
remote storage or cloud management.
Consists of 3 complete working parts:
➔ Desktop version of the client | WinForms/ModernUI/Diagnostic/Custom Client
➔ Web version of the client | React/Bootstrap/Redux/Hooks
➔ API storage server | Express/MSC/Passport(JWT auth)/Mongoose | Mongo Atlas

[Desktop] client

Using the basic library of the .NET framework - System.Diagnostics - we developed our own build of
the computer tracker with the corresponding functionality.

ClientVM functional: Authorise, Refresh,Logout, SendPool

The application design is based on component framework - ModernUI


Built on NodeJS using the Express framework. Adapted for receiving and processing incoming
requests from ITracker project clients. Interfaces with the Mongo Atlas cloud platform using the
Mongoose driver.

Deployment is performed on the Heroku platform together with the web-client in the Pipeline.

Also in the plans for future development there is the introduction of an orchestrator(K8s). This will
significantly increase the performance and management of the system.

Mongo Atlas. Independent cloud storage will allow to securely store directly the records of processes
independently of the server API; has its own tools for working with storage.

[Web] client

Created for the purpose of remote administration of a cluster of connected personal systems,
computers. Interface design was created in the Figma
Testing : Postman integrations, Jest coverage

Consider | `automatic accounting report` ↗️ 02/2023 - Present(6 months)

– Part of the project is hidden for security reasons//

Images: https://shorturl.at/hjm23

Project in Java, JavaFX framework for visual interface, Apache POI for Excel, Firebird JDBC.
The first initialization creates a procedure that describes the attributes and related tables from the
general list of accounting data.
Then, the program describes a number of repositories and stores the toolkit and the fields
corresponding to the tables.
The query is canned in two parts
➔ Record part, describes the structure of the desired repository
➔ Filter part, reads the fields from the UI bindings and then implement in the query
Two main repositories

Report (generic struct of accounting DTO) Pivot (summary of several tables in a reduced

Created mathematical functions to calculate the values of specific attributes such as discount,
percentage discount, total turnover. the toolkit is tested and meets the standard of mathematical

BigDecimal package Float Crypto

Finally, the program generates an Excel file with the requested and calculated tables.

quickShop | `shopping easier` ↗️ 11/2022 - Present(9 months)

Images: https://shorturl.at/abwxB

A cloud-based marketplace with a purchasing system for a game project.

Thread of dev
➔ Cloud server: PHP Codeigniter -> Symfony+Doctrine -> Node Express+Mongoose
➔ Game client: Lua Native gui -> LDK (this is own custom entity toolkit, framework)
Unfortunately, as development progressed, at one point there was a significant transition in terms of
design, as shown above, so that the previous version of the architecture was wiped out.
The project was invented in order to improve the quality of the game platform, namely to improve the
system of in-game transactions and purchases.
- Principle logic -
Since the game platform under test did not accept requests to external servers, we designed
a one-way dialog logic where the application-client directly initiates the first request and subsequent
responses from the marketplace are interpreted as data rest/new request.

Fusely flex landing | ↗️ 02/2023 (1 months)
Java orm toolkit | ↗️ 06/2021 - 08/2021 (3 months)

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