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Artur Dovbysh
Senior .Net Software Engineer

Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Innovative .NET developer with experience in cloud technologies and web applications
development. Offering 5+ years of experience in full software development lifecycle. Quickly
learn and master new technologies and working in both team and self-directed settings.


Software Architecture and Design: OOP, OOD, SOLID, GRASP, Microservices, Monolith, N-tier,
GoF, DDD, TDD .etc

General SE skills: Refactoring, Code Review, Testing, VCS, Agile, SCRUM, Kanban,
Documentation, Open API (Swagger), Docker, Kubernetes, Postman, Profiling, .etc

.NET: C#, VB.NET, F#(a little), .NET platform core (CLR, CLS, CTS, .etc), WebAPI, ASP.NET Core,

Data Management: NoSQL (Elasticsearch, Cosmos DB, Azure Tables), SQL (Azure MSSQL),

Message Brokers: Azure Service Bus, Kafka

Azure Cloud Services: Azure Functions/Durable Functions, ASB, VMs, Ak8s, KVTs, APIM,
Cosmos DB, Azure Tables, .etc

DevOps: Blue/Green deployment, Deploymany, IaaC, Container Orchestration(Docker + k8s)

FE: TypeScript, JS, React JS, Redux

Other skills: RPA, UiPath platform.
Work Experience

• Self-employed as a freelancer (2 years) – working on several projects as an
additional developer usually writing some small features and/or change requests
on the backend and frontend part, implementing unit tests, .etc.
• EPAM Systems as a .NET software engineer – (3.5 years) – implementing new
features, supporting existing code base, performing code reviews and/or
refactoring, testing, working with Cloud Services providers such as Azure and
their services.
● Intellias as a Senior .NET software engineer - (2+ years) - implementing high-load
microservices-based distributed educational platform (both FE and BE).
Performing tech groomings, writing tests, code reviews, analysis, and preparing
required investigations and estimations.


● 2014 – 2018 Bachelor of Science: Applied Mathematics, Informatics
Lviv Polytechnic National University
● 2018 – 2020 Master of Science: Computer Science
Lviv Polytechnic National University


English – B2 (Upper Intermediate)
Ukrainian – native.


• AZ – 900 (Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals)

• UiPath developer certification

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