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Резюме от 11 июня 2024 Файл


Java developer

29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Ивано-Франковск, Удаленно

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I am a Java developer with over one year of practical experience, looking for an
interesting job to keep improving my skills and learning new technologies on
real projects. I have fundamental knowledge of Java Core, OOP, MySql
databases, and web development, as well as design patterns and SOLID
principles. I have experience with Spring (Spring Boot) and Hibernate
frameworks. I have over 70 projects of varying complexity in my repository
Vladyslav_Solyanik that I created during my studies. Additionally, I have development experience
github.com/V-Solianyk on a project with a team of 7 developers.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») I have experience as an ERP Developer, where I collaborated with consultants
and created functional designs for Microsoft Dynamics 365.
VladyslavSolyanik I also worked as the head of the design and development office, where I
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») gained skills in setting deadlines and meeting them on time, setting the right
priorities for tasks, improving my communication skills and ability to make
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine decisions, and not being afraid to take responsibility. I have an intermediate
level of English, and I am constantly improving it.

Java Core, Java 17, Collections, ERP Developer, Clarity
OOP, SOLID November 2023 - January 2024 (Internship).
DB: JDBC, Hibernate, RDBMS Developed and implemented modifications to Microsoft Dynamics 365
(PostgreSQL, MySQL) Business Central ERP system. Key responsibilities included creating
Web Development: Servlets, functional designs, writing clean code, testing, debugging, deploying, and
Tomcat, JSP, HTML, XML, JSON integrating with other Microsoft applications. Enhanced skills in
Spring (Spring Core, Spring Web, programming, teamwork, problem-solving, and attention to detail.
Spring Security, Spring Boot) Collaborated with consultants to ensure solutions met client requirements
and created comprehensive technical documentation.
Tools & Libraries: Maven, JUnit,
Java Developer, Mate Academy
Enterprise/integration design I have completed a Java full-time course (every weekday from 9.00 to 18.00)
patterns where I developed pet projects, attended daily meetings, worked with tight
IntelliJ IDEA, GIT deadlines and code reviews, wrote documentation, and participated in
Operating systems: Mac OS, regular test interviews.
Windows CookRecipeApp - is a RESTful web application for creating and
English (Intermediate) manipulating recipes and their versions, supports authentication and
registration of users and distribution of functionality according to role.
Technologies used: Java (JDK 17), Spring Boot 3.1.3, Spring Security, JUnit
EDUCATION Swagger, Liquibase, MySQL, Mapstruct, Maven, Mockito.
Mate Academy - Full-time course Cinema app - REST web application for ticket reservation. It implements
Java Developer 2023 - Present the main functions, such as:
- displaying movies that are currently at the box office;
National Mining University, Dnipro 2014 -
- shopping cart with the ability to add tickets to it and create an order
based on the added tickets
Bachelor/Master degree: Area mining,
- searching for available movie sessions by date.
graduated with honors
Technologies used: Maven, Java (JDK 17), JDBC, Spring, Spring Web, Spring
Security, Hibernate, Tomcat, MySQL.
CodeWars: level 5 [76 Katas I have experience working on a group project:
Completed] Car-sharing-service - RESTful web application designed for car rental
JavaRush: level 42 requirements.
Java: The Complete Reference, Twelfth It implements the main functions, such as: user registration, login, and role-
Edition (Herbert Schildt) based authorization. Multiple endpoints with user and manager access.
Effective Java, Third Edition (Joshua Telegram bot notifications. Integration with Stripe payment service. Car
Bloch) booking and management.
I love active sports, played football and Technologies used: Java (JDK 17), Spring Boot 3.1.2, Spring Security, Spring
won tournaments of regional doc Open API (Swagger), Liquibase, MySQL, Stripe Java, Telegram Bots,
importance. Docker, Maven.

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