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Резюме от 8 марта 2024 Файл


Программист Java


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Popov Dmytro

c. Yasynuvata, st. Shkilna, 34/17
mob. tel. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Date and place of birth August 15, 1978, Donetsk, Donetsk region

Citizenship Citizen of Ukraine
Family status Married. Son - 13 years old, son - 8 years old
Target Applying for a position as a software engineer
The type of work Full employment
Place of residence Ukraineon the, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district, c. Chayka

2019 - 2022- "UkrInfoSystems", Kyiv - Software Engineer:
- Designand developing new applications and components, adding functionality to
existing systems.
- Development of drivers for interaction with various devices(fiscal registrars, coin
acceptors, bill acceptors, Ingenico terminals, bill dispensaries, video surveillance
cameras, turnstiles, barriers, etc.)
- Working with users to define requirements and priorities.
- Data processing, testing applications.

2018 - 2019- KP "GIVTs", Kyiv -
Deputy Head of the Department for the Implementation and Development of
Electronic Payments:
- Developmentnew applications and components, adding functionality to existing
- Working with company staff and clients

2007- 2019 - Regional communal company
"Donetskteplokommunenergo", Donetsk - Leading Software Engineer:
- Developmentnew applications and components, adding functionality to existing
Work experience - Administration servers on the base Linux,Windows
- Training and consultation of company employees

2004 - 2007– Donetsk regional department of KP “Ukrpromvodchermet” -
software engineer:
- Developmentnnewapplications and components, adding functionality to existing
- Administration servers on the base Linux,Windows
- Training and consultation of company employees

Donetsk National Institute of Artificial IntelligenceSpecialty: Software for
Education automated systems Graduated in 2004
- Desktop Development: Java (Swing, JavaFX)
- Confident knowledge SQL, JDBC and relational bases data.
Professionalskills and - Databases: FirebirdSQL, MySQL, Sql Anywhere, Oracle DB, Postgres.
knowledge - Web application development: java ee, JSF (Primefaces),
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, Quarkus.

- Working with Tomcat Web Serversand GlassFish.
- Extensive experience with the JasperReports reporting library.
- Netbeans, Eclipse, Git, bash, Delphi, javascript, html, css, C, delphi, etc.
- Programming STM32 microcontrollers

Knowledge of foreign English conversational - basic level, English technical - with a dictionary

Computer knowledge
Personal quality: responsibility, sociability, punctuality, purposefulness, I have
Additionalinformation organizational skills, I easily find a common language with employees, non-

Professional skills and knowledge (advanced)

1. Development and implementation of software:

 AWP "Heatpay" was designed and developed - calculation for the consumed thermal energy by
the population (Java SE + Swing + FirebirdSQL), a patent for the development was received;
 AWP "Consumers" was designed and developed - calculation for the consumed thermal energy by
enterprises (Java SE + Swing + FirebirdSQL), a patent for the development was received;
 Designed and developed "Personal account of the consumer" - online payment by consumers
for heating and hot water supply (Java EE + Hibernate + PrimeFaces + FirebirdSQL);
 Designed and developed a software package for controlling access to the Kyiv Zoo by purchased
tickets - managing turnstiles and validating tickets and subscriptions and their redemption (Java SE +
 AWP "KyivZoo" was designed and developed - a system for administering and selling
tickets/subscriptions to the Kyiv Zoo (Java SE + Swing + C + FirebirdSQL);
 Designed and developed a software complex for controlling access to the parking lot of the Kyiv
Zoo "Parking_in" - control of barriers, calculation of the time spent in the parking lot and its cost (Java SE +
FirebirdSQL + Respbery PI);
 Designed and developed AWP "Parking" - a system for administration and control of parking Kyiv
Zoo (Java SE + Swing + FirebirdSQL + WebSwing);
 Software development for Bietomats/Parkomats - buying tickets or paying for parking without the
participation of cashiers (JavaFx + FirebirdSQL + C);
 Android software development for remote control of turnstiles and parking (Java +
Android SDK);
 Development of software cash register;

2. Administrative work

 Training of personnel on the characteristics and principles of working with the developed software;
 Drawing up training programs. Testing, checking knowledge.

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