
Front-end програміст, 15 000 UAH

35 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Drohobych, Lviv, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience


from 08.2014 to now (10 years 1 month)
"Inter-Syntez", Борислав (Chemical industry, pharmaceuticals)

Chemisrty is not IT-related, but I've technical mindset.
On this position I've helped to develop new product, written technical articles in "Harchovyk" journal, routine chemical analyses.


Львівський Політехнічний Університет

Хімічна інженерія, Технологія органічних продуктів, Львів
Higher, from 2006 to 2011 (5 years 3 months)

Additional education and certificates

Harvard CS50 course, Introduction to computer science

2018-2019 1 year

Epam, Frontend Lab

april - may 2020

Logos It academy, online Frontend course

september, 2020, 1 week

Knowledge and skills

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Користувач Internet
  • Python

Language proficiencies

English — advanced

Additional information

Technical skills: Java Script (1 year), C (1 year), Phyton (4 month), HTML (1.5 year), CSS (1.5 year), SASS/LESS (3 month), MySQL(3 month), Bootstrap (1 year), Node.js (3 month), React.js (6 month);

Experience / IT related educational practice
CS50 Harvard course Introduction to Computer Science
October 2018 ~ November 2019
I’ve successfully finished(with average rate 90 / 100 max) online CSS50 Harvard course on Introduction to Computer science. My final project was API written on Python, including MySQl, Ajax, which calculates molecular mass of chemical substances(because my profession and current position is chemistry) the advantage of this API above other similar API-s, was that it parsed chemical compounds from wiki chemical vocabulary, so you couldn’t type wrong or not existing compound
Frontend Lab Epam
April 2020 ~ June 2020
I've participated in intensive Frontend course, which included HTML, CSS, SASS, deep JS(prototypes, closures), Ajax, OOP principles.
Online frontend course Logos academy
September 2020
Week online course for UI developers with tasks on HTML, CSS
and JS.
UI for travel website January 2020 - till now
I’ve contributed in UI for this travel website http://andri-y.co.ua/ (it’s still on-going, cause of complicated functionality) It is written on React.js
UI website for school
October 2020
Now I've finished mockup for school. Written from scratch on HTML5 and CSS.

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