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Викладач англійської

39 years

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Tsymbalyik Maryana

Date of birth :6 th December , 1984
t.number [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
marital status :married, have 2 children
Address: Kyiv ,03110
• Fields of language expertise: military, transport, humanities, medicine, business English;
• English teaching experience more than 11 years;
• Experience of supervising more than over 300 students;
• More than 11 years of interpretation, translation and language support experience;
• Good communication skills with people of various backgrounds;
• Native Ukrainian , proficient English ,proficient ukrainian, good german.
• Confident user PC ( MS Office , Outlook ,Adobe Photoshop )
Education :
2005-2007- Kyiv National Linguistic University – Foreign Philology, the Diploma of specialist “Foreign language and literature”-English and German languages.
2000-2005 – Kyiv National Pedagogical college by T.G.Schevchenko
Faculty of “Foreign philology”. Bachelors degree “Foreign language and literature”
Courses :
2008 -Business centre “Golden staff”- speciality “PR and Publicity”
2003 -Business centre “Anastacy”- speciality “Office -manager “

Work experience:
September 2020 -till now
English tutor at Ukrsibbank ( Kyiv )
• Teaching English students;
• Translation of documentation and literature;
• Teaching of subjects: English, business English , technical translation;
• Work at English courses for adults (Sky Eng)
• Writing articles and SEO texts.

DS Global – English teacher for adults
• Business English
• Medical English
• General English

Kyiv National Transport University
English tutor
• Work on the faculty of “Machines and machinery” teaching English (A1 to C2 level);
• Work on the faculty of “International logistics” teaching English (A1 to C2 level, MA, MSc students );
• Develop the curriculum and provide instruction of English for students to suit their personal and professional needs;
• Work with documentation for students;
• Making translations and interpretations

Personal assistant to Head director
“ Steve Madden” Royal shoes monarch
• Negotiation with main American office in New York, PR ,logistics, architect departments;
• Translation and editing of documentation , translation of trainings in merchandizing ,PR articles, interpretation;
• Writing of press releases, articles about Steve Madden ; SEO texts
• Work with PR agencies;
• Preparation for Fashion week;
• Work with contractors (designers, SMI, printing industries);
• Work with trade centers in Lviv, New York;
• Purchase order for Ukraine and Russia , solving claims ,orders report, specification of models;
• Coordination of Publicity materials ,coaching ( catalogues, trend books, SM profiles);
• Work with advertising agency in Lviv, installation of big boards;
• Rewriting with international SM offices;
• Making presentations, client bases, logistic documentation
2008 – International camp in Poland for foreigner students
• Making presentations and translation.
English tutor
Kyiv National Medical University by Bogomolets ( Kyiv )
• Work with foreign students;
• Develop materials and teaching English to students majoring in General medicine, Psychology, Surgery, Stomatology departments;
• Conduct evaluation of students;
• Supervise students through the study program;
• Program curriculum development;
• Supervise over 500 students

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