

trivago is the world’s largest online hotel search. On our website, travelers compare prices of over 700,000 hotels worldwide from more than 150 booking sites such as Expedia, or More than 45 million visitors use trivago every month as an independent source of information to find their ideal hotel. By entering the desired destination and travel dates, search results instantly display all available accommodations. A wide selection of 150 filter criteria allows users to refine their results. From luxury hotels to budget hostels, people rely on trivago to find their ideal hotel for whatever reason during any time of the year.

Since 2005 trivago has expanded its reach to over 40 international platforms and has thus secured a worldwide presence. With a total of over 120 million integrated reviews from its own users and a variety of other travel sites, trivago provides the most accurate and unbiased rating available on the web. Our mission is to be the traveler’s first and independent source of information for finding the ideal hotel at the lowest rates.…

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