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Вакансия от 15 мая 2024 Выше средней


  • 59 000 грн
  • Traders Union

    СМИ, медиа; 50–250 сотрудников
  • Удаленная работа
  • Полная занятость. Опыт работы от 1 года.
  • Английский — выше среднего
Вакансию сейчас просматривает 1 соискатель. Откликнитесь первым!
  • Python
  • SEO
  • Відповідальність
  • Копірайтинг
  • Маркетинг
  • Управління проєктами
  • Верстка
  • Дизайн
  • Управлінські навички
  • Тайм-менеджмент
  • Управління командою
  • Урегулювання конфліктів
  • Розробка контент-плану
  • Планування проєкту
  • Конкурентний аналіз
  • Стратегічний маркетинг
  • Створення прототипів
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Описание вакансии

Join Traders Union, a leading financial portal with over 13 years of experience, as our Project Manager for an innovative English-language financial forum. This dynamic role involves studying competitor sites like Reddit, crafting site structures, and analyzing SEO features. You’ll prepare detailed briefs for designers and developers, ensuring the creation of a user-friendly and efficient forum.

Collaborate closely with copywriters to develop initial content, manage all project stages through launch, and continually enhance the forum within our main project. Engage with a diverse team composed primarily of Ukrainians and EU citizens and take advantage of growth opportunities in a rapidly expanding company.

This position is perfect for someone eager to make a significant impact by delivering top-notch digital solutions that align with our mission of providing reliable financial information. Join us and be part of a powerhouse team driving the future of financial markets.


  • You will study and analyze competitor websites, such as Reddit, to propose a structure and identify key technical features with an emphasis on SEO.
  • We expect you to prepare detailed specifications for the designer to develop prototypes and layouts of the forum.
  • You shall coordinate with developers by creating comprehensive technical requirements, exploring modern solutions that minimize development time.
  • We require you to draft initial content guidelines for copywriters, including section descriptions and topic lists for the forum’s launch.
  • You will oversee all phases of the forum development process to ensure timely and successful project completion.
  • We expect you to manage communication among team members, ensuring alignment and clarity throughout the project lifecycle.
  • You shall monitor progress closely, providing regular updates and adjustments to keep the project on track toward its goals.
  • After the launch, we expect you to drive the ongoing development and integration of the forum within the main project framework.


  • You need to analyze competitor sites like https://www.reddit.com/, document the site structure, highlight technical features, and assess from an SEO perspective.
  • We expect you to prepare comprehensive specifications (ТЗ) for designers to develop prototypes and layouts.
  • Your role includes drafting detailed technical specifications (ТЗ) for developers, considering modern forum solutions that minimize time investment; familiarity with Python is beneficial but not mandatory.
  • You will be responsible for creating initial content guidelines for copywriters, including section descriptions, topic lists, and overall forum structure.
  • We require you to oversee every project phase until the successful launch of the forum.
  • Post-launch, your focus will shift to integrating and growing the forum within the main project framework.
  • You should have strong project management skills to coordinate between design, development, and content teams effectively.
  • You must possess excellent analytical abilities to ensure all aspects of the project align with strategic goals and market needs.


  • SEO Analysis
  • Competitor Research
  • Technical Specification Creation
  • Design Prototyping
  • Python Development Knowledge
  • Content Planning
  • Project Coordination
  • Team Collaboration
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving

Traders Union

СМИ, медиа, 50–250 сотрудников

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