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Резюме от 19 февраля 2024 Файл


Senior PHP developer

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Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Alexey Pasmanik (46 y.o) • [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Israel citizenship, currently living in Ukraine (Rivne), [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

2017 - 2023- Advision (https://www.advision.co.il/) , CRM Project, Video Chat, modules - Lead
PHP developer (PHP, AWS, NodeJS, WebRTC)

2014 - 2017 - PHP Team Leader, SandBox Media. Internal gateways system, domains
dispatchers, new CRM (SugarCRM), rebuilt brand’s, traffic optimization. SnowCharge.net -
Development and full support of payment system (AWS, PHP, Linux)

2012 - 2014 - Senior PHP developer, GreenSQL (HexaTier) Security Database Firewall -
management part.

2010 - 2012 - Senior PHP developer, Sergata/Startups Outsourcing: Portal for Bank Discount
(Capital Market), Bezeq Safe, Cloudyn, GurusTrade, others..
(PHP, CodeIgniter, Drupal, C#)

2007 - 2010 - Senior PHP developer, Maariv (NewsPaper)

● Nrg.co.il - prepared blog system(php), Sphinx search engine,
XML->XSLT->HTML cron jobs, other parts in PL/SQL, PHP
● Shox.nrg.co.il - rewriting from PL/SQL to PHP/mySQL platform
● Luach.nrg.co.il - rewriting from C# to PHP/mySQL platform.
● Optimizing / modification forums
● Deployed new design to Nrg.co.il

2006 - 2007 - PHP Team Leader, Gazit studio. More than 40 websites based on Joomla.
Adaptation vTiger CRM for Hebrew.

2005 - 2006 - PHP developer / Team Leader KCS,
● Built web CMS Tiana
● Multiple web sites
● Management for Mobixel SMS/MMS system

2003 - 2005 - Afik Pirsum, PHP web developer, Beer-Sheva. More than 80 web sites:
pninatornai.co.il, organicziv.co.il, tipex.co.il, afik-p.co.il, meiad.co.il, kfir-pc.co.il, interpool.co.il,
ahuzathalperin.co.il, bailamos.co.il, protouch.co.il, police-traps.co.il, peretz-louzon.co.il,
sky.zap1.co.il, shamir-beta-tools.co.il, rigoletto.co.il

2000 - 2003 - Operator in chemical plant, Chemagis, Ramat-Hovav

2000 - Computer Technician, InfoService, BeerSheva
1998 - Computer Technician, PetCom, Eilat

1995 - MagicDB developer / maintenance of existing software (Rivne)

Large projects:

advision.co.il (shortaudition.com) - CRM system, WebRTC - Video Chat.

Snowcharge.com - Payment system (upgrade)

Support/rebuilding brands: CasinoFiz, Play2WIn, 21GrandCasino, RockBet, Internal system:
SugarCRM, automatic DNS blocking checks & gateway system

Hexatier (GreenSQL) - Web admin management (OOP PHP & HipHop)

Bank Discount (https://www.discountbank.co.il/) - Area of buying / sales options in Capital

CloudYN - First concept, graph systems (PHP CI-MVC)

Bezeq Safe - Development site & program (PHP MVC CI+ C#)

Nrg.co.il, Shox.nrg.co.il , Luach.nrg.co.il - Development Maariv sites (PL/SQL, PHP)

Portal Gil Hazahav, Internal system for Sky Aviation company, Free1.co.il - sales platform,
Sheffa.co.il - tickets system, and more.

AdsRef.com - Advertising platform.

Knowledge areas:

SQL-DB: mySQL, SQLite, Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL,
NoSQL DB: MongoDB, Redis
Web Programming languages PHP3-7.2, NODE.JS, PL/SQL, C#
No experience - programming : Ruby on Rails, Python (Django), Go, Kotlin, Java
PHP Frameworks: CodeIgniter, YII, Laravel, Zend, Code Charge
CMS: Drupal, Joomla, vTiger, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, OSCommerce.
Client Side: JavaScript(OOP), XHTML, HTML5, CSS, XML, XSLT, XUL, ( DreamWeaver, TopStyle,
Photoshop), frameworks:
Client frameworks: Angular, Gulp, Prototype, jQuery, Yahoo YI,
Linux administration: CentOS , Debian.
Win32, DOS: C#, Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal , Magic (DBase), Assembler .

2018 - Courses of Kotlin language / Android
2016 - Started studies for 1st degree at the Open University Ramat-Gan: Management and
Computer Science.
1989 - 1994 - Сomputer courses/hobby club in Ukraine at the institute of Manuilsky: Basic,
Turbo Pascal 7, Visual Basic, Assembler.
1983 - 1994 - Full high school 22, Rivne, Ukraine.


Russian, Ukrainian - native | Hebrew – very good level | English – Good level/ technical.


1997-2000 - Full army services in AirForce of Israel

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