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Резюме от 18 января 2024 PRO


Проєктний менеджер, 30 000 грн

Полная занятость.
38 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

IT Project Manager

с 04.2023 по 01.2024 (9 месяцев)
bearer.pro, Черкаси (IT)

I managed a dynamic team of 5 developers at Bearer.pro, overseeing project milestones and ensuring timely delivery. My multifaceted role extended beyond project management, as I actively contributed to design development using Figma, played a pivotal role in recruitment processes, and explored my skills as a Bootstrap developer. A collaborative leader and adept team player, I thrive in fostering a positive work environment to drive team success.
In addition to my role at Bearer.pro, I successfully managed several side projects as a freelance PM professional. This diverse experience has honed my ability to adapt to different project scopes and effectively manage resources.

IT Project Manager

с 03.2023 по 05.2023 (2 месяца)
GeekHub IT Project Management Course, Черкаси (IT)

I managed a team of 7 developers through all project stages of an electronic wallet website MVP development using Trello. Despite the risk of one developer exclusion, I encouraged the team, and the project was completed within scope & time and was recognized as one of the best throughout the course.

Owner & Product Manager

с 03.2018 по 03.2023 (5 лет)
Startups in the construction business, construction materials B2B and B2C business, private transportation, and cryptocurrency m, Черкаси (Приватні особи)

I simultaneously managed and coordinated teams to 15 people. Succeeded in all the projects that are working on.

Head of the Construction Materials Wholesale Department

с 02.2015 по 03.2018 (3 года 1 месяц)
PE «Sonant», Черкаси (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

I managed a team of 6 people, elaborated department plans, held daily/weekly meetings, and created reports. I used to increase company gross sales to 5-10% monthly.

Executive Director

с 03.2010 по 03.2015 (5 лет)
International Concert Agency «Global Promotion», Київ (Шоу-бізнес, мистецтво, культура)

I developed and implemented the idea of creating an international festival with a unique location in the Ukrainian Carpathians, successfully managing a team of 160 employees. For 3 years, the festival became world-famous and brought significant profit.

Head of the Export Department

с 10.2009 по 03.2010 (5 месяцев)
PE «Sorgo», Черкаси (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

I organized food and construction materials supplies for Iraq's private companies and government structures.
I overcame 2-month delays in the delivery of goods from Ukraine to Iraq, saving the company from losses and maintaining a positive reputation. Even the ambassador of Ukraine to Iraq could not cope with this task.

Sales Representative and Construction Materials Manager

с 07.2008 по 10.2009 (1 год 3 месяца)
PE «Sorgo», Черкаси (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

I organized construction material wholesale according to the business plan.

Sales Merchandiser

с 08.2007 по 04.2008 (8 месяцев)
LLC «VAMP», Черкаси (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

I organized the company's product presentation panels for new and existing clients. I held meetings and negotiations to involve potential clients in the company.


Національний Технічний Університет України "Київський Політехнічний Інститут"

Менеджмент та Маркетинг, Менеджмент організацій, Київ
Высшее, с 2002 по 2007 (5 лет)

Навчався безкоштовно на денній формі, отримав ступінь "спеціаліст"

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

GeekHub 12 сезон, курс IT Project Management

2022-2023, 8 місяців

IAMPM, інтенсив по Бізнес Аналізу

2023, 4 дні

Знания и навыки

Організованість Управлінські навички Trello MS Excel Управління ІТ-проєктами Jira Agile Business analysis Figma

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Украинский — свободно

Другие резюме этого кандидата

Похожие кандидаты

Product, Project Manager
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60000 грн, Черкассы, Удаленно

Черкассы, Удаленно

Project manager
30000 грн, Черкассы

Координатор проектов
33000 грн, Черкассы, Удаленно

Project manager
Черкассы, Киев, Удаленно

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