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44 года

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Curriculum vitae
Anastasiia Shevchenko
Residence, citizenship: Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»),
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Age: 43

2017 – National Institute for Strategic Studies, Ukraine: PhD in Economics, specialty “Economic Security of State.”
2012 – Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine: Master’s degree, specialty “International Economics and Finance”
2002 – Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine: specialist diploma, specialty “French and English languages and literature”.

Job Experience:
• July 2010 – present: National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv

Chief Consultant of the Sectoral Economics Department Tasks: writing analytical materials on industrial, innovation, investment policy, (including the sectoral context), issues of industrial sector development, economic security of Ukraine, import substitution, smart specialization and cluster organization of industrial production.

• July 2003 – July 2010: National Institute for International Security Problems, Kyiv.

2010: Chief Consultant. Tasks: writing analytical materials on monetary and exchange rate policy, analyzing key macroeconomic indicators and development trends in global foreign exchange markets by country and region.

2008-2010: Leading Specialist - Assistant of the Director of International Relations. Tasks: organization of international conferences and seminars; interaction with government agencies and NGOs, ministries, embassies; organizing the reception of foreign delegations; business correspondence; translations from/into English and French.

2003-2008: 1st Category Specialist. Tasks: writing monitoring reports based on analysis of national and foreign media on topics related to information and international security. Translations from/to English and French.

Personal qualities and achievements:
Author of more than 30 scientific publications. Took part in designing of social and economic development strategies of the regions and industry strategies.
More than 10 years of professional experience in writing analytical reports and expertise in the field of economic and industrial policy. Able to quickly navigate modern economic and political trends, build analytical work on a wide range of Ukrainian and foreign sources and databases, produce in-depth analytical content within short timeframes.
High analytical and organizational skills, structured thinking, computer literacy, quick learner, high performing, self-discipline and strict adherence to deadlines.

Knowledge of languages: Ukrainian, Russian– native, English, French – advanced.

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