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Резюме от 4 января 2024 Файл


Менеджер проєктів

38 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Винница, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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Honchar Olena

Personal information
Date of birth:
28 March 1986
Place of dislocation:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Mobile phone:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Daughter, 13 years old.
Years of studying

2003 – 2009
Vinnitsa National Medical University
Pediatritian faculty, speciality of a family doctor

06. 2019 – 2. 2020
Vinnitsa Academy of Continuing Education
Psychologist, higher education teacher.
9. 2020 – 12. 2021
Vinnitsa National Agrarian University
Public administration
5.2019 – 10. 2020
Ukrainian Association of Transaction Analysis
Додаткова інформація

Устаная речь



Computer skills:
Office, CRM, Quadrasoft
Driving license
Driving experience
12 years

Labor activities:
2009 – 2014р. – Central Regional Hospital – family doctor.
02. 2013 – 5. 2022 – Vinnitsa National Medical University – assistant of the department of Medicine of Catastrophes and Extraordinary Situations, work with foreign students.
06.2011 – 8.2022 – “Egis PHARMACEUTICALS PLS” – senior external specialist of the department of CV diseases.
(4.2017 – 9.2017 – internal transition to the mother company “Servier” for the position of Project Manager of Cardio - Vascular business unite)
2019 - … – private psychological and psychiatric practice.
3.2021 – 3.2022 – regional coordinator of the Women`s Movement “For Future”.
8.2022 - … - base manager of International Nongovernment Humanitarian Organization ACTED in Vinnytsia.
Additional information
• Experience in developing and reading local and international personal trainings, in different languages, on different psychological topics.
• Personal column of psychological education for citizens of our region in local press.
• Experience in team coordinating and managing with KPI implementation.
• Was a guest and an expert on various TV and radio programs.
• Experience in developing of promotional materials, market evaluation, holding round tables for specialists of medicine, writing research papers, developing textbooks, lecturing and presenting.
• Negotiating with government officials and specialists in various fields and levels, beginning from the local level and with the representatives of country government in Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
• Regular experience in providing of social psychological help to victims of domestic violence, children and adults with disabilities, palliative patients. Provide psychological help to militaries.
• Experience in developing of educational materials for working with victims of domestic violence.
• Participated in a project on gender equality, in negotiations with social centers for the elderly, support for people with disabilities and orphans.
• As part of the “Women's Movement” project, started to implement the project “Voice of People with Disabilities” in Vinnytsia Oblast, aimed to protect the rights of people with disabilities.
• Participated in leading courses of Emergency medicine for soldiers and civilians.
• Pay regular visits with help to orphanages and boarding schools, nursing homes, inclusive centers, centers for people with disabilities.
• I volunteer.
• Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, I have been actively involved in coordinating in the receiving, sorting and distribution of humanitarian aid from international foundations and individuals among IDPs living or migrating through Vinnytsia region and directly coordinated the collection and logistics of humanitarian aid in active combat operations.
• Assisted in sorting medical supplies in warehouses, identifying medical needs and coordinating their provision among the city's clinics, repeatedly organized advanced care. Took part in the organization of assistance for the settlement of IDPs in the Vinnytsia region. I actively help IDP centers.
• On a current position:
* I`m responsible for representing of the organization’s interests in Vinnytsia with local authorities, donors, beneficiary communities and other key stakeholders, oversee the day-to-day operational implementation of projects and security in the respective base, support Project Managers to ensure that projects address beneficiary needs and are implemented according to the global strategy, donor guidelines, approve work plans and budgets.
* Analise the sub-area’s socio-economic situation, trends, needs and gaps, regularly conduct stakeholder analysis, provide support in the implementation of country program strategy in the base level. Support in the identification of new opportunities and new sectors of intervention. Assist in consolidating and stabilizing programming. Review the geographic and thematic footprint. Ensure activities are relevant and meeting sub-area/beneficiary needs. Ensure humanitarian principles are adhered to.
* When requested, participate in donor meetings at sub-area/base level and communicate relevant information to the Country Director and other relevant staff. Maintain active and regular working relationships with other NGOs, UN agencies, clusters, working groups, consortia, etc. at sub-area/base level ensuring maximum visibility of the organization. Maintain active and regular working relationships with local authorities and where necessary non-state actors. When requested, represent organization in key clusters, working groups, NGO coordination bodies, etc. at sub-area/base level.
* Support the Project Development Department in proposal conceptualization (problem statement, logframe) within the framework of the country, regional and global strategy. Contribute to budget design ensure budget needs at sub-area/base level have been taken into consideration. Contribute to drafting issues papers, advocacy notes, press releases on relevant humanitarian and development issues in the sub-area of operation.
* Insure stuff management and internal coordination. Promote team building, productivity, and staff welfare. Mentor and support the team to build capacities, improve efficiency and performance, and follow career management. Manage interpersonal conflicts among staff at base level. Facilitate interdepartmental communication and information sharing for a positive working environment. Ensure implementation of organization`s coordination mechanism at base level.
* Support Project Managers in project implementation through trouble shooting and eliminating blocking points. Monitor output achievement, cash burn rates, and ensure a time completion of projects through review of PMFs, BFUs and project reports. Ensure that relevant project information are up-to-date and available for reporting purposes.
* Conduct frequent field visits to project sites to assess activities and ensure efficient use of resources. Ensure beneficiary feedback mechanisms are in place. Support with the documentation of best practices and lessons learnt for projects implemented in the sub-area. Support Partner Management through identifying potential local partners in the sub-area.
* Support FLATS management through providing the control of project budgets at base level to avoid under/overspending, ensure budget forecasting, base finance reporting, ensure timely procurements and quality supply management at base level. Ensure transparent and timely recruitment of national staff, help to adapt the staffing structure at base level to needs and funding, regular performance appraisal and career management for staff at base level. Support implementation of T&C procedures. Provide security management on base.

Honchar Olena
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
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