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Резюме от 8 января 2024 Файл


Голова департаменту, проєктний менеджер

34 года

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Mykhailo Ovsiannikov
- Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
- E-mail:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»), [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
- Address: Kyiv, Antonovycha Street 170/1b, apt. 18

A dynamic professional with proven experience in project management, quality control systems, and emergency response coordination. Demonstrates excellent analytical skills, familiar with the workings of judiciary and government agencies, and has strong communication and diplomatic skills.

Professional Experience
• August 2023 – On-going, FSL Deputy Head of Department, Action Against Hunger (ACF), Ukraine, Kyiv.

• Strategic Planning: Develop and execute strategic plans for efficient financial and food assistance programs aligned with departmental goals and government priorities.
• Policy Enhancement: Contribute to policy development, staying current with regulations to improve program efficiency. Stakeholder Relations: Build relationships with key stakeholders to ensure a coordinated approach to addressing population needs.
• Data Analysis: Oversee data collection and analysis, preparing comprehensive reports for management and stakeholders.
• Program Evaluation: Implement ongoing program evaluation mechanisms, measuring impact and identifying areas for improvement.

• November 2021 – August 2023, Senior emergency officer, ACTED, Ukraine, Kyiv

• Emergency Response Planning: Develop and update comprehensive emergency response plans, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and international standards.
• Coordination and Communication: Serve as the focal point for communication and coordination during emergency situations, liaising with internal teams, external agencies, and relevant stakeholders.
• Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct risk assessments to identify potential emergency scenarios, and implement mitigation strategies to minimize impact on organizational operations.
• Training and Capacity Building: Organize and conduct training sessions for staff and volunteers on emergency response procedures, ensuring a well-prepared and responsive team.
• Post-Emergency Recovery: Develop and implement plans for post-emergency recovery, addressing both immediate and long-term needs, and facilitating community rehabilitation.

• December 2018 – December 2020 COVID-19 Response Coordinator, Project Manager, Quality Control System Developer, Database Creator, Ukrainian Red Cross Society

◦ Cash and Voucher Assistance Focal Point – development and implementation of the CVA assistance system, integration of systems and protocols of foreign partners into the assistance system. Development and implementation of digital quality control systems for the care provided. Conducting research to introduce new models for the transfer of cash assistance. Adaptation of the system for the transfer of financial assistance to foreign partners under the Ukrainian legal system

◦ Project Manager Livelihood – development of new systems and adaptation of existing systems of international partners. Creation of a multilevel system for the selection of beneficiaries. Development and implementation of a system against fraud with donor funds. Development of new ways of transferring funds to beneficiaries, development and implementation of a quality control system for the assistance provided

◦ Winterization project manager – selection of beneficiaries, development of logistics delivery systems, quality control of assistance provided, development and implementation of a system for selecting assistance by beneficiaries using the involvement of the beneficiaries themselves (community engagement and accountability)

◦ Unconditional Cash for Flood Victims in Western Ukraine assistant – development of a system for issuing funds without control over the beneficiary. Development of a system for the selection of beneficiaries, taking into account actual and legal specifics post-distribution monitoring to control the quality of care provided in a pandemic

◦ Created unified IPD`s database – creation of the first in Ukraine database of beneficiaries with the ability to transfer information to third parties (to coordinate the provision of assistance). Entering into the database information about previously provided assistance since 2014. The database contains information about passport data, photos of the beneficiary, geographic location, participation in the programs of the URCS, participation in the programs of other NGOs (according to the beneficiary), data from surveys of beneficiaries, data from surveys of quality control of program implementation (PDM) Covid-19 information center - development, organization, recruitment, personnel training, work with a technical specialist and a specialist in providing first psychological aid. 20 workplaces expandable to 100 workplaces within one hour. Integrated CRM system with the ability to integrate other modules and other CRMs at the same time. Staff development trainings every 2 months. Development and implementation of anti-burnout activities for employees and volunteers. Training hotline volunteers in the basics of identifying and countering signs of suicide. Development and implementation of a multi-level system of distribution of responsibilities between volunteers, depending on experience.

◦ Covid -19 response coordinator (first phase) – Participation in interdepartmental (government and non-government) working groups to overcome the consequences of COVID-19, coordination of assistance, development of logistics schemes in coordination with the logistics department. Identifying the needs of the affected population. Adaptation of the aid issuance system taking into account quarantine measures Negotiating with potential donors for assistance

• September 2016 – October 2018 Shooter-Medic, Sanitary Instructor, Deputy commander of the battalion medical center,

Contract Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (2016 - 2018) Contract service in the Armed Forces: shooter-nurse in the village of Pisky, Yasynuvata district, Donetsk region, sanitary instructor of the company in the village of Krymske, Novoaidar district, Luhansk region, acting battalion commander in the village of Krymske, Novoaidar district, Luhansk region, execution of combat and reconnaissance tasks on the line of contact and the depth of penetration to platoon and company points. Development of ways to evacuate the wounded taking into account the qualitative and quantitative composition of the enemy, topographic and climatic conditions. Strengthening combat and specialized training of subordinate personnel. Conducting medical reconnaissance of the enemy. Organization of a stabilization point. Carrying out of premedical, medical and resuscitation actions according to protocols: I-ST-3, TCCC-MP, 68W. Deputy commander of the mortar battery for moral and psychological support: support and raising morale, raising psychological and emotional resilience, combating combat stress and propaganda. Was awarded for exemplary service and heroism in performing combat missions in the village of Pisky, Donetsk region. 2016, and the award of the excellent military and political training of the National Academy of Land Forces named after Peter Sagaidachny, Lviv, with the rank of junior lieutenant.

• March 2015 – August 2016 Project Manager and Fundraiser, Ukrainian Red Cross Society (2015 - 2016) - Project manager and fundraiser of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine HQ URCS: development of projects to attract resources and funds, work on the American Red Cross project on delivery of IDP funds, adaptation of the American Red Cross system on delivery of IDP funds in the Ukrainian legal field period. Development and maintenance of concepts of children's psychological and rehabilitation centers for victims of combat actions (pilot project).

• March 2014 – March 2015 Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs, State Enterprise "Agrarian Registers" Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs of the State Enterprise "Agrarian Registers": search and work with sponsors, development and maintenance of the concept and development strategy of the State Enterprise. Work with local and central authorities, and negotiations.

• January 2013 – March 2014 Project Manager, Ukrainian Medical Association Project Manager of the Ukrainian Medical Association: work with donors, negotiation with donors, search for sponsors and donors. Creating audiovisual content. Full cycle of organization of mass events, including work with speakers, security service, sponsors, donors, technical team. Participation in the development of concepts of mass events, image component, management of the team

• July 2012 – January 2013 Journalist, 1+1 TV Channel. Journalist of the 1 + 1 TV channel, investigative journalism department: writing materials, creating audiovisual content, obtaining information through open sources, obtaining information through interviews, interviewing characters.
• April 2010 – August 2011 Lead Support Team Specialist, Central Committee of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine
• Petro Sagaidachny Land Forces Academy (deputy commander of the unit for moral and psychological support) (2017)
• Institute of Mass Communication, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Specialty "Journalism" (2007-2011)
• Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Specialty "Journalism" (2006-2007)
• Specialized School №92 with In-depth Study of English (1996-2006)

Training Certifications
• University of Harvard "Humanitarian response in conflict and disaster" (2020)
• Regional disaster response training, IFRC “Coordination, assessment, planning, monitoring, post distribution monitoring” (2019)
• Mental health and psychosocial support URCS (2018)
• Community engagement and accountability IFRC (trainer of trainers) (2019)
• Informational management IFRC (trainer of trainers) (2019)
• Joint military training NATO and Ukrainian armed forces “Rapid Trident 2019”
• Certificate of appreciation from Ministry of Justice (USA) “Premedical aid and scenario-based training for Patrol police of Ukraine”

Ukrainian, Russian: Fluent, mother tongue English: advanced (occupational fluency)

- PC ownership: Advanced user.
- Personal Qualities: Analytical mind, capable of processing and assimilating a large amount of information, punctual, sociable, diplomatic, easily connects with people.

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