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Kostiantyn Samokisha Curriculum Vitae

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Desired employment / Occupational field:

Project Manager, Project Officer, Project Coordinator


Dates January 2023 - present time
Occupation or position held Project Manager, Life Guardians project “Dutch aid for Ukraine”
Company name NGO “Life Guardians”
Main activities and responsibilities + Create proposals for work within the project;
+ Support and defend the principles of the project vision and implementation;
+ Monitor the use of the project budget;
+ financial reporting to the donors on every stage of the project;
+ Сontrol the tender process at all stages;
+ Providing custom control documentation;
+ Administrative and logistical organisation of meetings to discuss a range of issues related to
the needs of IDPs in Ukraine regions with partners and international organisations;
+ Coordinating warehouse storage;
+ Local and international logistic truck coordination during wartime;
+ Organise and heald events with international partners/donor;
+ Everyday work on AIDlogistic for better distribution;
+ Action planning and self organisation of work time;
+ Cooperation with the defence force of Ukraine units;
+ Finding and delivering vehicles to the military units.

Dates August 2022 - December 2022
Occupation or position held Project Manager, Peace Wings of Japan project in Ukraine (help to the civilian)
Company name NGO “Right to Protect” (R2P)
Main activities and responsibilities + Administrative and logistical organisation of meetings to discuss a range of issues related to
the needs of IDPs in Lviv region with partners and international organisations;
+ Negotiate with local authorities on the needs of IDPs in the Lviv region to implement project
+ Organise and heald events with PWG international partners/donor;
+ Organise and heald events with R2P units and PWJ team about MEAL;
+ Creating, maintaining and submitting reports on key criteria of the PWG project for the
+ Work with document flow in eng and ukr;
+ Research, Studying the potential for project scale development and the growing challenges
of war;
+ Recruitment of staff, conducting interviews,
+ Create qualification requirements for each of the vacant positions in the project;
+ Communicate with R2P departments for faster navigation of the manager;
+ Communicate with experts and session participants on any organisational issues;
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Kostiantyn Samokisha Curriculum Vitae

+ Prepare and conduct the platform for each online meeting and inform the participants about
the next meeting;
+ Organise and conduct working meetings, be responsible for their technical support and
assignment of tasks to subordinates/employees;
+ Work in close cooperation with the Director of the R2P organisation and perform related
tasks to ensure the success of a series of dialogue sessions;
+ Work with the CRM system;
+ Create proposals for work within the project, support and defend the principles of the project
vision and implementation;
+ Monitor the use of the project budget;
+ Сontrol the tender process at all stages;
+ Supervising the work of the assistant and department coordinators;
+ Development of training and education for employees;
+ Conducting team building activities.

Dates February 2022 - August 2023
Occupation or position held Coordinator assistant, evacuation (volunteer)
Company name NGO “Life palitra”
Main activities and responsibilities + Developed work of 24/7 team work on the main train station in Lviv and Kherson;
+ Working under sustain stress conditions;
+ Lead and develop team within 38 people;
+ Supervised logistic evacuation for IDP’s to the Lviv region and from Lviv to Poland, Norway,
Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Dutch, Great Britain, Ireland;
+ Lead and develop Negotiation with different international NGO’s;
+ Cooperated and conducted new evacuation directions and transport;
+ Collective centres and special treatment centres accommodation coordination for more than
200-500 people per day;
+ Public Speaking and Negotiations with public institutions;
+ Sustained data Analysis of new updates international relationships;
+ Criminal Activity Prevention cooperation with Security Service of Ukraine;
+ Providing legal apart for IDP’s: Court filings, Case analysis, Research, Terminology,
Correspondence, Subpoenas.

Dates September 2017- February 2022
Occupation or position held Supervisor, Event Manager
Company name Zvezdopad_skazok
Main activities and responsibilities Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv event management:
+ Utilise excellent listening skills to truly understand a client's vision for their event;
+ Strategize to achieve specific goals in a timely and efficient manner;
+ Coordinate set-up, decorations and clean-up for each event;
+ Maintain documented requests and notes for each event;
+ Develop streamlined communication processes with clients and vendors to ensure ultimate
+ Work to resolve any issues that arise and ensure that timelines are honoured;
+ Supervise a staff of 8 employees in addition to any sub-contracted event workers;
+ Orchestrated 300+ events per year with a 90% client satisfaction rate;
+ Develop and implement effective marketing strategies for our services offered (instagram).

Dates February 2016 – July 2017
Occupation or position held Team Lead Supervisor (national account)
Company name Mars Ukraine” (outsource) – “SKS” ltd distributor, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Main activities and responsibilities Reasonability:
+ Lead and develop marketing contract for NA and RMT clients (more than 226);
+ Key account negotiations and sales development (marketing);
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Kostiantyn Samokisha Curriculum Vitae

+ Everyday non-monetary motivation and development for team;
+ Develop new team structure new KPI’s;
+ Lead and develop team within 24 people;
+ Staff management and recruitment (hired up to 10 person in 2 month);
+ Logistic of daily track for every team player individually;
+ Developed everyday team wage maintenance;
+ Public Speaking and Negotiations.

Dates September 2015 – February 2016
Occupation or position held Commercial agent at BB national account
Company name Mars Ukraine” (outsource) – “SKS” ltd distributor, Kyiv, Ukraine
Main activities and responsibilities Reasonability:
+ “Fora” Kyiv and area marketing contract (Mars) implementation control;
+ Search, analysis of active zones to increase sales of Mars products in Fora supermarkets;
+ Merchandising daily monitoring and control;
+ Develop alternative control system by the merchandising teams and contractor achievements;
+ Orbit category marketing development;
+ Mars sales activity control;
+ Found new sources of sales marketing development Choco/Pet Food/Gum categories up to
8% in total per 2016-2017 year;
+ Found new sources of Kyiv merchandising team motivations;
+ introduced a tab for ranking problems and achievements.

Dates April 2014 – September 2015
Occupation or position held Commercial Agent
Company name “Mars Ukraine” – “SKS” ltd distributor, Kyiv, Ukraine (outsource)
Main activities and responsibilities + product sales and marketing planning;
+ successful implementation of “Mars” marketing and KPIs focuses in self-service, self-service petrol
station and BTC sales channels;
+ implementation of main “Mars” and its distributor focuses in a market decline, without/with top
+ identify and create opportunities for sustainable and profitable sales growth in market decline;
+ achievement of distribution KPIs;
+ successful negotiate with customers, compliance monitoring of existing agreements, creating new
profitable agreements;

Dates February 2012 – April 2014
Occupation or position held Senior Specialist in Strategic Planning and Development
Company name “National Commission of the State Public Utilities Regulation”, Kyiv, Ukraine (Public body)
Main activities and responsibilities + Former paralegal, has experience and knowledge of legal documents and processes
+ Webmaster of “legal” and “terminology” section of National Commission website
+ In charge of cost-effectiveness and disproportionate cost appraisals;
+ Economic and legal assistance for water/heat/waste treatment and sanitation services in
+ Price regulation, economic stimulation for customers, economic and administrative stimulation
for technological modernization of utilities services supply companies;
+ District (drinking) water supply, water waste (sewerage) treatment on national level;
+ “The waste treatment market” draft law development;
+ Prices development on domestic waste treatment market;
+ Comparison of Ukr. and EU legislation in water/heat/waste treatment and sanitation services
field research;
+ Translating of EU legislation;

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+ IMF, WB, EBRD, USID, Twining (France) and GIZ cooperation and business correspondence;

Dates September 2011 – February 2012
Occupation or position held Specialist, grade 1
Company name “National Commission of the State Public Utilities Regulation”, Kyiv, Ukraine (Public body);
Main activities and responsibilities ● Preparation of a new draft law on water service management: tariff setting, definition;
● Translating of EU legislation;
● Heated water domestic and commercial supply.

Dates 2023 - present time
Title of qualification awarded second Master degree in Aerospace engineering (in progress);
Principal subjects/occupational skills gas and gas turbine units control and maintenance;
Name and type of organisation National aviation university of Ukraine (Kyiv);
providing education and training
Dates 2011 to 2012
Title of qualification awarded first Master degree in International Economics and Management;
Principal subjects/occupational skills marketing, management, international law, international business & finance
covered Adaptation of domestic enterprises to WTO conditions;
Name and type of organisation National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv);
providing education and training

Dates 2007 to 2011
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor degree in International Economics;
Principal subjects/occupational skills economics, monetary policy, international economy, economic policy, mathematics and statistics,
covered accounting;
Name and type of organisation National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv);
providing education and training

Dates 1996-2007
Title of qualification awarded upper secondary education
Principal subjects/occupational skills humanitarian studies, English, Korean languages
Name and type of organisation Kyiv Gymnasium of Oriental languages #1
providing education and training

English B2-C1 Advanced
Korean A2 Beginning
Ukrainian C2 Spoken / bi-lingual
russian C2 Spoken / bi-lingual

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Kostiantyn Samokisha Curriculum Vitae

Technical skills and competences − 9+ years of leadership experience
− Unique ability to function well in high-responsibility situations and smoothly take the lead if necessary.
− Working under sustain stress conditions
− Strategic thinking/Problem-solving
− Team Leadership and Cooperative Attitude
− Experience in building large and successful strategies
− Analytics: Reporting & Maintaining Reports
− Legal experience as a person who provided support in the restoration of IDP documents and monitoring
the fulfilment of obligations by public authorities
− Expertise: successful negotiations with international donors, coordinating different cargo movement;
− Conflict resolution, Critical thinking, and Action planning;
− Marketing analysis, sales development management, economic troubleshooting, successful
negotiations, team work;
− Data Analysis & Advanced Searching;
− Crisis Management Plans, De-escalation Techniques, and Attentive and Observant;
− “Water and sanitation services in Ukraine: market structure and services management”.

Communication skills High communication skills gained through from experience as bartender and commercial agent and later
as team leader coordinator in wartime and Project manager in different international projects;
Computer skills and competences Computer literate in MAC IOS, Windows OS, Android OS, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Outlook, MAC

Other skills and competences 2022 Officially moved to Lviv and started volunteering;
assisting in coordinating evacuation at the train station in Lviv and Kherson later after liberalisation;
helping IDP’s to find free official shelters and free transfer to Europe;
delivering humanitarian supplies all over Ukraine including war zones;
since october 2023 Director of the NGO “Under the protection of God”;
experience of working in IT company “GO-TU” in Lviv;
FOP 3d group.
Driving licence, passports Categories B, B1, BE; Biometric passport; Car 2016 VW golf.

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