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Резюме от 20 февраля 2024 Файл


Architect, designer, artist

38 лет
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Architect, interior designer, concept designer
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[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
https://www.design-family.com/cv ● Chernivtsi, Ukraine

concept designs

implemented interior designs

built houses


Architect and Interior Designer with over 15 years of experience in the direct creation of buildings, interiors, and
landscape design. Successfully executed a vast number of projects as a team leader, as a part of a team and
independent architect and designer..
I am an experienced professional, adept at overcoming any challenges, from conceptualization and design to the
successful completion of construction projects and the finalization of building and renovation works. Even in my free time,
I continue to create new concepts and designs simply because I am passionate about it.


Fast idea generator
I quickly generate great ideas and concepts that can be easily implemented.

Reasoning for all decisions taken, supported by a well-defined execution strategy.

Artist and sketcher
Excellent quick sketching skills that significantly expedite collaboration with both clients and team members.

Chernivtsi Polytechnical School
Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2000 - 2004

PSACEA (Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and
Bachelor of architecture and design
Dnipro, Ukraine
2007 - 2010

Privat bureau of M. Felonyuk
Architectural Drafter

Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2003 - 2004

M. Felonyuk is an architect who has been involved in the design of buildings and
structures of various purposes, including private residential houses.

● Architectural drafter
● Concept design and development
● Creating architectural infographics and presentation materials

Architect and designer

Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2004 - 2007

Architectural firm based in Chernivtsi (Ukraine)

I have worked both collaboratively within a team and independently, creating
architectural projects and conducted authorial supervision during construction.

● I have developed architectural concepts, architectural projects, interior design
projects, and created presentation materials for:
○ Residential buildings design.
○ Apartment buildings design.
○ Public buildings architecture and design
● I conducted authorial supervision with close communication with suppliers,
builders, and foremens. Effectively resolved emerging challenges.
● I created detailed 3D visualizations with post-processing for developed
concepts and design projects.
● I independently developed effective presentation materials and architectural
infographics, facilitating easy and swift project approval with clients.

Architect and designer

Kyiv, Ukraine
2007 - 2010

Archimatika is a top architectural company based in Kyiv (Ukraine).
As the youngest architect, I worked at the same level as others.

● I have developed architectural concepts, architectural projects and created
presentation materials for:
○ 25-story apartment buildings design.
○ Public buildings architecture and design
○ Public spaces design
● I conducted authorial supervision with close communication with suppliers,
builders, and foremen.
● I developed effective presentation materials and architectural infographics,
facilitating easy and swift project approval with clients.

Architect and interior designer, graphic designer.

Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2010 - 2015

I successfully developed projects and designs for clients both in Ukraine and abroad
(Europe, England, USA, Australia etc.). Established a stable and comfortable online
communication system with clients and subcontracting organizations.

● I communicated both directly with clients for whom projects were created and
with design organizations that engaged me as a freelancer. I managed
communication at all stages, from inception to completion, utilizing both online
and offline channels.
● I have developed architectural concepts, architectural projects and created
presentation materials for:
○ Apartment buildings and interior design.
○ Townhouses and interior design.
○ Residential buildings and interior design.
○ Showcases and store exteriors.
● I created detailed 3D visualizations with post-processing for developed
concepts and design projects.
● I created architectural infographics and presentation materials
● I have organized the construction and renovation works for the majority of
projects, particularly those located in Ukraine.
● I handled the procurement of decorative materials, equipment, and furniture.
● I conducted authorial supervision with close communication with suppliers,
builders, and foremen.
● I created artworks for interiors executed according to my design.

Design Family
Founder, Principal

Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2015 - 2023

Design family is an architectural and design bureau based in Chernivtsi with projects
The reason for the cessation of activity is war and a reassessment of values. There is
a desire to engage solely in project-based activities without entrepreneurial functions

● I have built an effective team for designing and creating project
● I have forged close and productive relationships with subcontracting
organizations with whom we implemented our designs and projects.
● Successfully managed communication with clients, clearly defining their needs
and ensuring satisfaction. Developed a system for identifying client
● Personally, I have been involved in developing design concepts and,
collaboratively with the team, worked on architectural and design projects.
● I have achieved efficient teamwork, leading the team to achieve the desired
● We’ve created and implemented architecture and interior designs of (including
the entire set of drawings, specifications, 3D visualizations):
○ Apartment buildings and interiors.
○ Townhouses and interiors.
○ Residential buildings and interiors.
○ Dental clinics interiors.
○ Plastic surgery clinics interiors.
○ TV and radio studios interiors.
○ IT Offices buildings and interiors
○ Retail Stores.
○ Cafes and restaurants.
○ Beauty salons interiors.
○ Sports clubs and Shooting ranges.
● We conducted thorough design supervision and quality control during
construction and finishing works.
● I personally took charge of regularly enhancing the qualifications of employees
through training and development programs.

Concept artist, concept architect for CG, illustrator

Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2009 - present

● Concept art for CG
○ illustrations
○ character design
● Concept architecture for CG
○ buildings design.
○ interiors design.
○ environment design.
● Digital and mixed media illustrator.
○ books, comic books, graphic novels.
○ illustrations for different online purposes.
○ brand identity.
Skills as an architect and interior designer
● Development of the concept for public spaces, architecture, interior design, and landscape design, including:
○ Volumetric and spatial composition.
○ Structural schematics.
○ Building codes and standards.
○ Urban and regional construction requirements and needs.
○ Pedestrian and transportation schemes.
○ Material and color palettes.
○ Insulation (thermal, moisture, vapor, acoustic)
○ Sanitary and hygienic standards and insolation.
○ Fire safety requirements.
○ Engineering systems layout.
● Creation of demonstrative materials, including:
○ 3D visualizations with photorealistic renderings.
○ 3D BIM models.
○ 2D Architectural infographics and diagrams.
○ 2D and 3D Architectural design sketches and drawings of various styles and levels of detail, both
manual and digital.
● Creation of architectural projects with a full set of drawings, details, specifications, and descriptions.
● Creation of interior design projects with a complete set of drawings, details, specifications, and descriptions.
● Creation of landscape design projects with a comprehensive set of drawings, details, specifications, and
● In-depth knowledge of the latest building materials, structures, and construction techniques.
● Proficiency in independently determining and selecting the fundamental layout of engineering communications,
including equipment placement for:
○ Electrical and low-voltage equipment
○ Plumbing and drainage
○ HVAC systems
○ Smart home systems
○ Security and safety equipment
○ Alternative power and heating systems.
○ etc.
● Effective collaboration and problem-solving during project implementation and construction by liaising with:
○ Design-engineers.
○ Surveyors and geologists.
○ Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, smart systems engineers.
○ Builders and craftsmen.
○ Suppliers and equipment providers.
○ etc.

Skills as a Team Lead and Principal
● Team management
○ I effectively assemble a team for the creation of architecture, design, and project documentation.
○ Delegating tasks and setting clear objectives with specific result criteria.
○ I monitor the progress of work and make timely adjustments to the process.
○ I have the ability to assess employee performance based on specific indicators.
○ I identify the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and continually improve the
effectiveness of each individual.
● Working with clients
○ I can communicate in a way that uncovers the subtle needs of clients for the successful creation of
a project.
○ I have developed a structured questionnaire to identify the genuine needs of clients.
○ I have the ability to defuse situations and reassure clients when difficulties arise during the
implementation of project solutions.
○ Empathy
● Self-management
○ I effectively organize and plan personal as well as subordinate's time.
○ Fast and effective problem-solving skills
○ Teaching and mentoring skills

Software Skills (main list)
Archicad, Revit, Sketchup, Blender, Corona render, Vray.

Archicad, Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Procreate, Adobe
Indesign, Morpholio trace, Concepts.

Apps I use for project management:
Google Calendar, Google docs., Google Drive and Icloud, Zoom, Worksection and GanttPro.


● ukrainian native
● english B2
● polish ★★☆☆☆
● french ★☆☆☆☆
● russian ★★★★★

Additional skills and activities

● sketching art
● watercolor painting and sketching
● digital painting and sketching
● sketching art teacher
● concept design teacher

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