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HR-менеджер, рекрутер

31 год

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Maryana Horbatso CONTACT ME ON:
Telegram: maryanahor
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[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

I am Maryana Horbatso, a PhD student at the Department of Management at WUNU/Ternopil. I'm
doing research on innovative technologies in human resource management. I have 4 years of
experience in recruitment and HRM. I have worked in the field of HORECA and executive
recruitment. In my free time I like sports, golf, sewing and singing.

Employee Relations PhD student at the Department of
Adaptation Management at WUNU/Ternopil - since
Employee Engagement 2022-present
Benefits Design APPLE CLINIC - Apple service center 2021 - 2022
Compensation - Receipt and issuance of orders;
Executive Search - Maintaining crm;
Reduced staff turnover. - Communication with clients;
Increasing employee loyalty and - Communication with masters;
strategic personnel assessment. - Hiring administrative staff;
- Internship and adaptation of employees;
Planning marketing activities to
- Control of attendance and motivation of
increase awareness among employees;
candidates. - Development of corporate ethics;
Budget planning to attract talent
to the company. RECRUITER
Candidate journey and effective UNITPRO (recruiting agency) 2019-2022
hiring. - Search for clients, creation of primary
marketing strategies to promote the recruiter's
AVP strategy
own brand;
- Sourcing and use of CRM systems for
EDUCATION maintaining the client base and unit base;
- Conducting interviews;
- 2010-2015 a.y. Ivan Franko National
- Organization of an interview of the candidate
University of Lviv , Master degree in with the employer;
Philology, - HR consultation;
- 2010 -2015 a.y. Lviv State in
University of Internal Affair, Master of HR / RECRUITER
Law I LOVE KEBAB - HORECA, Chernivtsi 2020-2021
- Search, selection, adaptation and motivation
- 2022 - Graduate school at WUNU/
of staff;
Management PhD student - Work on reducing the level of fluidity;
LANGUAGE - Organization of training and development of
- ENGLISH- B2 - Formation of reporting;
- POLISH- B2 - Organization corporate events;
- Conduct employee satisfaction surveys;
MY SCIENTIFIC BLOG - Collection of reviews/feedback;
HTTPS://HRM-TECH.BLOGSPOT.COM - Building and maintaining HR processes

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