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Резюме от 9 апреля 2024 Файл


HR assistant

32 года
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[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Ilona Novikova [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Georgia, Tbilisi.

About me: I am a professional with a year of experience in a non-profit ukrainian volunteer
organization. As a volunteer, I initially had the role of a recruiter. In this position, I
increased the staff of volunteers in various areas, including IT. Recruited different
levels of specialists for volunteer positions (who worked for us for free), which
allowed me to think outside the box to find and attract the right specialists. I also
gained experience in HR. I hired a new team of recruiters, mentored and adapted
them. Was involved in filling out the CRM HR system. Developed onboarding and
offboarding. I am familiar with various search methods: boolean search, x-ray search,
data scrapers.

Experience - "The Borderlands Foundation" 01/2023-02/2024
As a recruiter: As a HR:

-Full recruiting cycle; -Formation of a new recruiting
-Active and passive search; department;
-Finding non-standard methods of -Assistance in adaptation and mentoring
searching for candidates; within the organization;
-Non-standard methods of attracting -Creating onboarding and offboarding
and retaining specialists; together with the team;
-Mass and individual selection; -Analyzing staff turnover and
-Maintaining several vacancies; developing a strategy for change;
-Adding to working groups and -Participation in filling the CRM HR
helping at the first stages; system "People force";
-Full staffing of new departments; -Together with the team, creating
-Involvement of international documentation for the recruiting and HR
volunteers. departments;
-Assist in communication between

Courses: 2021
LinkedIn: link
"Online personal" It-рекрутер

English - upper intermediate
Ukrainian - native

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