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Резюме от 15 сентября 2008

Личные данные скрыты

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Head of department, Project manager

Полная занятость.

Контактная информация

Соискатель скрыл свои личные данные, но вы сможете отправить ему сообщение или предложить вакансию, если откроете контакты.

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Дополнительная информация


Personal information:
Name: Olga.
E-mail:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»).

JOB OBJECTIVE: the managing position in insurance/finance company.
AIM: the dynamic work in professional staff of financial business. Professional and career growth.

Present place of work: сlosed joint-stock insurance company*, Kyiv, from 2005 till current time.
Position: the head of insurance department, from january 2007 till current time.
Duty obligations:
Organization and increasing of insurance services sales (bringing in and client`s escort, prolonging of insurance contracts).
Making-out strategy of department development. Planning of departmental work and distribution obligation among staff.
The establishment of interaction with the other functional departments.
The sales of insurance services through insurance intermediaries. The development of agent’s network.
Acknowledgment and outlet of new insurance products.
Concluding of agreements about cooperation and organization of sales through non-insurance intermediaries (banks, auto shows, real estate agencies, leasing companies etc.)
Working out of cooperation programs.
Monitoring of insurance market.
Carrying on of departmental records.

Position: the leading specialist of insurance department, from 2005 till 2007.
Duty obligations:
Search of clients and channels for insurance services outlet. Concluding the insurance agreements. Accomplishment of sales plan.
Managing of brokers and insurance agents work. Report composition.
Passing of accreditation of insurance company in banks institutions. Floating of deposits.
Opening of deposits and pay accounts in banks institutions.
Participation in tenders. Tender’s records preparation.

First place of work: сlosed joint-stock insurance company**, Kyiv, from 2004 till 2005.
Position: specialist of insurance.
Duty obligations:
Search of clients. Composition and carrying on of potential client data basis.
Concluding and managing of insurance contracts.
Settling of insurance events. The preparation of documental package for insurance refund payment.
Working out of standard form of insurance contracts, applications for insurance services, applications for insurance services, applications for pay of insurance compensation reimbursement, insurance acts and other insurance documentation.
Working out of insurance programs and rules.
The preparation of documents package for insurance activity license receipt and carrying on the process till the moment of receipt.

The Kyiv national economic university.
The masters diploma, "Finance" specialty.
The masters department directed on management in insurance organizations.
The bachelor’s diploma directed on enterprise economy, the teacher of economy.

The secondary school (with honors).

Additional education:
Repeated participation in trainings of consulting agency "Business-Garant" on questions of content and underwriting of different sorts of insurance.
Trainings on insurance services sales.
Three -days training on question of working within a team and establishment of efficient interaction among the personnel.
The english language courses.

Additional skills: fluent user of computer.

Ukrainian – fluent.
Russian – fluent.
English – advanced.

Personality: communicative, responsible, industrious, used to work for result.

Hobby: tourism.

* Additional information will be given on your request.

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