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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 Файл


Проєктний менеджер в ІТ

29 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.


I have experience in organizing pet projects, participated in budget formation and worked with teams of 15–20
people. Likewise, I have successfully completed a specialized course in project management in the field of IT
and possess practical skills in this field. I plan to continue developing in this way, and I believe that I will be
useful in achieving the goals of your company's projects


Project manager JAN 2024 - APR 2024
Farionova School. Pet project
I have skills in creating a practical, non-commercial educational project — Project Management Plan,
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») in which I:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Worked with Vision and Scope
Kyiv Created the site page prototypes
mariia-sakun-b69031302 Created a project KPI description
Worked with the team composition, roles and responsibilities
HARD SKILLS Constructed project estimation according to the 3 Point Estimation methodology

Project estimation and planning Planned processes and communications on the project
Planned sprints according to the Scrum methodology
Project budget
Worked with risks and their solutions
Project risk management
Worked with the Project Budget
Project quality management
Prepared a list of processes for product quality management
Project time management
Created a Mind map, Road map, Gantt Chart
The Agile methodology (Scrum, Prepared a Status Report
Kanban) Created a change management plan
Project communications
Coordinator of camps JAN 2018 - NOV 2019
TOOLS Royal Rangers. Non-commercial project
Google Docs, Sheets, Forms Management of a team of 15-20 people (setting tasks, checking performance and quality of work,

Bitrix holding meetings)
Communication with the outside world regarding administrative issues (creating Google registration
1C Trello
forms, working with data, accepting and confirming payments, ordering dinners, logistics, purchasing
CRM Canva
goods, purchasing and returning tickets)

SOFT SKILLS Work with feedback from volunteers. Creating suggestions for improving processes and interactions
based on feedback
Critical thinking
Participation in the preparation of the budget
Communication skills
Arrangements, payment and control of all elements of the program
Preparation of reflection and its presentation to the team
LANGUAGES Increased employee satisfaction by organizing processes that were more understandable for the team.
Ukrainian (Fluent) The use of materials has become accessible and understandable for everyone.
English (Upper-Intermediate)
Manager of sales and NOV 2016 - JUL 2017
manager of printing products production
Work in the CRM system. Calculation of the individual cost of manufacturing the product
Communication with the customer, collection of requirements and creation of a technical task
IT Project Manager
Mediation between the client and production, designer, approval of layouts
Farionova School. Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
received a diploma for success Control of the production process according to the terms
completion of the theoretical and practical Ordering materials for manufacturing the product
part of the course
Calculating monthly salary, taking into account real costs and profits from the sale of the product
I made it easy to work with products that were challenging to deal with. I organized the document,
Bachelor`s degree in the field of study
“Management” uploaded pictures to it, and even provided formulas on each product page that allowed to calculate
Kyiv National University of Technologies manufacturing costs based on distribution volume and other variables.
and Design. Sep 2012 - Jul 2016

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