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Резюме от 24 мая 2024 Файл


Project manager

20 лет

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Maksym Kosohon CV

Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: @Max Kosohon
LinkedIn: @MaksymKosohon
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

I’m constantly available for
interesting projects

Maksym Kosohon CV 1
Project Manager
📍Lviv Summary
I create, launch & support IT projects, I locate
Key Expertise
between customers’ needs and business
Project management goals. For me, the most important thing in work
Account it's not busyness, it's the value that I can bring
management to users and my company. Last couple of
years, I had an opportunity to work with
Process creation businesses in different domains, from e-
Strong technical commerce to Cyber-Security. Also, as a side
skills project, I am a passionate student and always
eager to learn something new.

Timeline 🏅 Achievement 🥑 part-time
January 🥑 Project & Account Manager @LNOKS
2024 -
March 2024 SaaS domain
— MVP Development, Custom Software Development, Dedicated
Teams & Staffing Services.

— Working with different customers from UK, USA, and many
European countries.
— Gained experience working with fully remote teams across
Europe and Ukraine.
— Maintaining up to 5 different projects simultaneously.

🏅 Successfully started and managed all the processes of
building a complex CRM system.

Maksym Kosohon CV 2
April 2023 - Project Manager @swipex.com
2023 SaaS domain
— Creating different Web-applications in eCommerce and
EdTech domains.

— Working with different teams, such as outsourced teams and
outstaff, and building strong communication within the teams.

— Gained experience working with different Software for
managing our work, such as Jira, Trello, WorkSection, Notion,
— Maintaining several different projects simultaneously.

🏅 Successfully managed and delivered more than 5 complex

January 🥑 Technical Project Manager @LBK Agency
2023 - April
2023 eCommerce domain

— Building different web applications with the Shopify platform.
— Managing developers team.

— Working closely with the COO could decrease the number of
raised everyday customer support tickets by 60%.
— Developing features for the customer’s applications using
Shopify Solutions.

🏅 Created a brand-new web application for one of the most
successful brands in the high-fashion domain just in 3 months.

Maksym Kosohon CV 3
English: C1/Advanced

Ukrainian: Native/Bilingual

Maksym Kosohon CV 4

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