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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл



Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Удаленно

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Volodymyr Stokolosa
QA Test Engineer

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Summary of Qualifications

I possess a strong foundation in manual testing, including the creation of comprehensive test cases, checklists, and detailed bug reports. My expertise extends to both functional and non-functional testing realms, encompassing UI testing, performance assessment, load and stress testing, as well as localization and internationalization evaluations. My approach is characterized by an unwavering attention to detail and a deep sense of responsibility. I am adept at performing effectively under pressure, ensuring accurate and thorough testing within tight deadlines. My adaptable nature shines through in my ability to work harmoniously within teams, while also demonstrating the capacity to autonomously tackle challenges


Test cases development
Test execution
Requirement analysis
Test design specifications
Defect and bug reporting
Functional mobile testing
Non-functional testing

SDLC Metodology
Agile (SCRUM, Kanban), Waterfall

Operating systems
Microsoft Windows XP/7/8/10, Linux, MacOS (basic), Android

Programming Languages/ Technologies
OOP, HTML/CSS, Rest API testing (basic), SQL

Network protocols

Version control systems

Azure DevOps, JIRA, Zephyr, TestRail, Bamboo, DBeaver, Kibana, Jankins, Trello, GitHub, GitLab, Postman


QA Engineer
07.2021 - present
For over two years, I participated in a project focused on developing and maintaining media file storage solutions on Linux Debian, serving as a QA specialist. My responsibilities included participating in project implementation, testing software upgrades, backing up and restoring metadata, conducting functional testing, verifying web interface functionality, detecting bugs, analyzing logs, testing licenses for compliance, conducting internal utility testing, managing user profiles, and creating documentation. Through these tasks, I ensured high-quality software and contributed to the seamless operation of media file storage on Linux Debian.

In my most recent project, I worked on a web application for collecting and monitoring traffic on social media platforms. My responsibilities included:

Regression testing: Ensuring the reliability and stability of the system after changes.
Functional testing: Verifying compliance with the system's functional requirements.
Testing new features and changes, including non-functional characteristics.
Working with Oracle and Postgres databases.
API and backend testing using tools such as Postman, Swagger, and DevTools.
Running automation tests and analyzing results using Jenkins and Allure Report.
Collecting and analyzing logs to identify issues using Kibana and Elasticsearch.
Managing documentation, including test cases, test scenarios, and documentation pages on Confluence.

Validation testing
Clean installation and upgrading firmware and new builds
Test case creation
Bug report creation
Checklist creation
Functional/non-functional testing and bug retesting
Running test farms

QA Engineer
Vector Software
09.2019 – 07.2021
I conducted thorough testing on the Healthcare mobile app from September 2019 to December 2020, ensuring functionality, usability, and security met healthcare industry standards. Responsibilities included:

Collaborating with the dev team to understand app requirements.
Designing and executing test cases covering patient data security, record management, scheduling, and communication.
Creating bug reports and facilitating resolutions.
Developing checklists to streamline testing.
Conducting functional and non-functional testing, including load testing.
Retesting bugs to confirm resolutions and prevent the occurrence of new issues.
Additionally, I tested a financial web app and a booking platform for food delivery and hotel reservations in Australia. I tested the Payoneer payment system, using various testing methods like security, regression, GUI, and load testing. I analyzed requirements and created test documentation accordingly.

My extensive experience in both healthcare and financial application testing, along with proficiency in utilizing various testing tools, enables me to ensure the quality and reliability of the software products I work on.


Test case creation
Bug report creation
Checklist creation
Functional/non-functional testing and bug retesting
Regression testing
Stability testing
Security testing
Hardware feature testing
Analysis and planning
Test scenario development
Mobile testing
Load/stress testing

Practise of Web/desktop testing at SkillUP
02.2019-03.2019 (manual)
Practise of testing at prometeus web corses


Associate’s degree
Natural College of Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Maintenance of software systems and complexes. 2013-2016

Master’s Degree
National Forestry University of Ukraine
Computer sciences and Information Technologies . 2018-2019.

SkillUP courses

Основи тестування програмного забезпечення

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