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Вчитель англійської, перекладач

51 год
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Контактная информация

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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CV in English
As a teacher, I have always enjoyed teaching and am comfortable with students of all ages, from young college students through those at the university level, serious professionals of IT/ Business field. I look at teaching as sharing information with another person and helping him/her to develop the skills he/she needs to explore, enjoy and succeed in the world. Does that mean learning facts and figures? Yes, it does. But it also means finding out what excites that student, what he/she is interested in, and then, helping to bridge the gap between what he/she knows and what he/she needs to learn in a way that makes learning interesting. My teaching style is more easy-going and interactive, focusing on understanding the context of what the student is learning, so, the information can be applied to many situations.
Students often say that my classes are the most dynamic, engaging, and productive lessons that they have ever had. As a bilingual tutor with 30+ years of experience teaching English to international and American students, I can help you:
Write an effective and meaningful essay
Improve your academic and professional writing skills.
Prepare for the IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, PET, SSAT, ISEE, SAT exams.
Get ready for an upcoming presentation, interview, or meeting.
Submit applications to private schools, boarding schools, and universities.
As my student(s), you will receive extensive tutoring and support. After each class, you will be given targeted practice based on your progress in the lesson.
Classes and curriculum are 100% personalized. Rather than simply following a textbook, our classes will focus on your greatest areas of need and your specific goals.
I run classes on-on-one, in small groups and via Skype or Google hangouts worldwide.
I speak English, Czech and Ukrainian. Call or text me please and I'll be more than glad answering your requests! Thank you.[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (Telegram, Viber)

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