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Резюме от 24 мая 2024 Файл


Java Software Developer

29 лет

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Vadym Kykalo
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Ukraine, Kyiv, 04107 (UA)


With over 5 years of experience in backend development, I have worked with various programming
languages, focusing primarily on the fintech sector. Experienced in server-side languages, cloud services,
database management, and message brokers. I have also led a development team, managing projects and
adapting to changing environments effectively.

Programming Languages: Message Brokers: RabbitMQ CI/CD: Bamboo, Jenkins,
Java (Spring Boot, Hibernate), API Development: REST, GraphQL GitHub Actions, Ansible
PHP (Phalcon, Symfony), Cloud Services: AWS Integration: Extensive
Python (Flask, SQLAlchemy) Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis experience with third-party
Containerization: Docker integrations
(including docker-compose) Monitoring Tools: Grafana,
Prometheus, Sentry


FinTech (NDA) Sep. 2021 - Present
Java Software Developer
System Development & Integrations: Developed telephony, client verification, and payment systems, as
well as a WebSocket-based notification system. Handled a multitude of additional features and
integrations, including electronic signature capabilities and interfacing with governmental systems.
Refactoring Efforts: Conducted strategic refactoring to modularize parts of the system, improving
maintainability and updating functionality.
Monitoring and Infrastructure: Established comprehensive system monitoring utilizing Sentry, Grafana,
Prometheus, and fine-tuned AWS infrastructure.
Data and Analytics: Built scoring and analytics services to drive business intelligence and decision-

FinTech (NDA) Apr. 2018 - Sep. 2021
Backend Developer/TeamLead (php, python)
API Development & Integration: Improved a payment platform and connected various services to
streamline processes. Shifted APIs to use GraphQL for better efficiency.
Microservices & CI/CD Implementation: Contributed to transitioning the system towards a microservices
architecture. Set up and managed CI/CD pipelines with Bamboo and Bitbucket, streamlining the
deployment process.
Scoring System & Monitoring: Developed a scoring system in Python/Flask and integrated
comprehensive monitoring tools including Sentry, Grafana, and AWS CloudWatch.
Professional Growth: Transitioned to a team lead role, managing project designs, interviews, and
meetings, and spearheaded numerous integration projects.

Prodex, Internet Marketing Agency Nov. 2017 - Apr. 2018
Junior Backend Developer (PHP)
Project Maintenance: Handled existing project updates and configurations.
SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO improvements according to specifications.
Plugin Development: Created and customized plugins for WordPress platforms.
Website Creation: Built landing pages and e-commerce sites using CMS systems.

Master’s Degree, Informational technologies in electronics and nanosystems department
National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'​
2012 - 2018

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