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Резюме от 2 июня 2024 Файл



25 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту, Facebook и LinkedIn.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Stanislav Havryk
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») / [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») / Poltava

Project Manager

Truck Dispatcher
White Lane
07/2023 - 11/2023
Skills gained:
1. Problem-solving skills: One part of my job was fixing problems thru communication and suggesting solutions and
take responsibility for them.
2. Time management skills: Each day I was building the plan of my work to increase effectiveness and productivity.

Logistics manager
Logity • Khrakiv
08/2019 - 09/2022
Skills gained
1. Communication skills: As a logistic team we are required to communicate with drivers and customers all day to
assist them with their daily problems. So it was necessary to build up a good relationship with both sides so we can
get a resolution as fast as possible.
2. Customer service skills: Assisted a lot of different customers with different personalities and helped them out to
achieve their goals.
3. Leadership skills: As my team grew up I was required to help out new employees to learn and understand the

Automatation and computer - integrated technologies
Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics • Kharkiv
Skill gained:

1. Computer skills: I spent a lot of time using computer software like excel and word. Also able to quickly find needed
information in internet.

2. Created projects in C++ and got some experience in Java.

English, Ukrainian, Russian

IT Project Management (Projector) - currently completing, 3d artist (Varto) - completed

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