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Резюме от 20 марта 2024 PRO


IT Project/Product Manager, 65 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
37 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы

Product Owner

с 10.2016 по 03.2019 (2 года 5 месяцев)
Web Sun Group, Киев (Development Platform)

- expirience in projects: gaming (Steam games), ecommerce, mass media, entertainment Apps,
- achievement - positive ROI of all traffic sources,
- description of the business plan and business model,
- calculation of project payback,
- strategic planning,
- Roadmap,
- organization of team work, staff recruitment,
- KPI system and motivation,
- prioritizing features, workflow, sprints for developers and marketing team (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall),
- media planning and marketing plan,
- software requirements elicitation and documentation, including writing use cases,
- creating mockups,
- data analysis (Google Analytics, Tableau, SQL),
- monetization (Adsense, Admob, etc.),
- maintaining financial statements,
- planning and maintaining a marketing budget,
- product launch on the Chinese market, USA, Europe,
- negotiation and integration with payment systems,
- constant marketing/design trends research,
- competitors research.

Head of call center

с 12.2014 по 10.2016 (1 год 10 месяцев)
Web Sun Group, Киев (Development Platform)

- organization and management of the work of all departments of the Contact Center,
- achievement - sales growth of more than 200%, call center automation,
- creating a training program for sales managers and team leaders
- reporting systems, KPI's,
- fulfillment of sales plans,
- planning and forecasting of necessary indicators and resources for performance of indicators,
- automation of call center processes,
- the introduction of its own crm system with automatic dialing, the formation of smart lists for dialing with reference to the qualifications of the manager,
- scripting conversations, automation and personalization of the script for the needs of the client,
-close interaction with the marketing department and the development department for the implementation of the functional for the automation of work and development of call center,
- presentation of the project and unique methods of employee motivation at the international hr-conference in Moscow

Project Manager

с 10.2009 по 08.2014 (4 года 10 месяцев)
Beeper, Киев (Outsourced contact center)

- customer search for contact center,
- project budget management, reporting
- motivation system and KPI's for operators and team leads,
- conducting supervisor training,
- create a training program for call center operators and team leads,
- automation of processes, setting tasks for developers.


Herson States University

Foreign Languages, Херсон
Высшее, с 2004 по 2009 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Знания и навыки

MS Excel Trello SQL Умение анализировать Ability to analyze Tableau

Знание языков

  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно
  • Немецкий — продвинутый
  • Английский — выше среднего

Дополнительная информация

responsibility, systematic, diligence, initiative, interpersonal skills, stress tolerance, creativity,

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