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Резюме от 20 ноября 2022

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GM, CEO, Executive Director

Полная занятость.

Контактная информация

Соискатель скрыл свои личные данные, но вы сможете отправить ему сообщение или предложить вакансию, если откроете контакты.

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Дополнительная информация

Dear Recruitment Director,

I’m exciting to present my candidacy for your review.
I recently relocated to Kiev, Ukraine from USA and looking forward to my new next career challenge.
I’m seeking a career opportunity where all my business acumen would be put to practice on a daily basis, while contribute to the success of the organization that I’ll join.

Here is a summary of my skills:
Global innovative multilingual executive with business experience in North America, Middle East and North Africa, and Europe
Creative and resourceful at meeting a difficult business challenges
Proven records of leading and coordinating diverse teams and achieving marketing objectives
Passionate about creating and implementing creative marketing plans that delivers product offerings and portfolio strategies
Proven project management expertise including planning, contingency planning, data collection, analysis, implementation, coordination, evaluation and budget monitoring
Solid relationship building skills with national and multinational partners, while paying attention to political and cultural sensitivity concern
Partnership leadership management style with proven coaching, training and motivation skills
Thank you for your consideration and looking forward to our future communications.

Jon Gergis
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Jon [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
International Executive – Managing Director
Innovative, multilingual executive experienced in North America, MENA, and Europe
Expert in new product launches
Creative and resourceful at meeting a difficult business challenges
Passionate about creating and implementing creative product offerings and portfolio strategies
Proven records of managing and coordinating a diverse teams and achieving deliverables
Partnership leadership management style with proven coaching, training and motivation skills
After completing a chapter of my career with Partners Consulting and relocating to Kiev, Ukraine, I’m seeking my next career challenge as an Executive in the organization that I’d be joining to contribute to its success

Work History
Global Execitive Director
Global Marketing Director
Partners Consulting
Houston, Texas
Jan 2002 – Jan 2019
Develop both Marketing and NBD plans for Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Managed Health Care, Medical and Oil& Gas among others industries.
Selected Professional accomplishments:
Creating Digital marketing social media and PR campaigns (Saudi Aramco DeBakey Phoenicia)
Develop and implement Best Practice Process for Niras, Denmark in Ukraine to implement a capacity building main frame that enhance the integration of post- Soviet countries into the European Union while managing diverse multi-location business teams 2015-2017
Crafting communication strategy and marketing plan for Formation Biologics, developing business plan for ESSA Pharma and building and coaching sales force and sales management for ImmunoMet Therapeutics
Design over 35 new products launches
Transforming Phoenicia Houston from $1.7 M wholesale warehouse business to a $13 M high-end specialty stores within the first year 2008-2011
Create MD Anderson Global Marketing Department that achieved increased revenues of 45% global and 25% US market 2010
Develop “Life Scan” a cardiovascular outreach program for M. DeBakey that scanned over 175000+ at inception and it continues to saves lives in Houston, TX 2005-2009
Create “BPP” a national supply chain for WorkFlowOne Profitability increased by 35%, 30% and 38% respectively
Restructure 5 new business units at Shell and Chevron to achieve both bottom-line and units’ objectives 2014-2016

VP Sales & Marketing
Novartis Pharma
Jan 2000 - June 2001

Developed combined sales and marketing territorial task force with a local-oriented approach with the objective to achieve position #1 market share in each territory
23 New Product Development and launches
38% revenue increase
Expanded market share from 5th to 1st within

Business Unit Manager
Merck MSD
Jan 1998 - Jan 2000
Launch Zocor, Cozaar and Hyzaar and Fosamax achieved 1st position market share within the first 12 months
Created “Merck Cardiovascular Club” a KOLs’ community outreach that’s designed to increase public awareness and undercover undiscovered/ undertreated patients
Created CRM of 23,000 and targeted market segment of 1,800
Product Manager/Sales Manager
Courses: Strategic Decision Making, Strategic Management, Sales and Marketing Management, Marketing Management, Market Segmentation, MMTC, SSTC, Leadership, Negotiation and Communication, Ethical Business Practice, Train the Trainer, Professional Communication Skills (Levels 1-5)
Keller School of Business
Houston, TX USA
May 2006
Fluent in English and Arabic.
Work communication in Spanish and French

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