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Резюме от 22 мая 2024 PRO


Customer support representative, sales, account manager

Полная занятость.
24 года
Город проживания:
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Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту, адрес, Facebook и Instagram.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Chief Wellness Officer/Customer Success Manager

с 06.2022 по наст. время (2 года)
Non-profit Organization, Other countries (Public and business services)

I ensure that the work environment is relaxed, jovial and comfortable. I strived to maintain positive mental health among workers and friends giving room for growth and development.

I looked out for everyone under my care and was actively involved in checking up on people via calls and messages.

I am generally responsible for the energy of the work environment and making the it conducive with choice of colors, plants and creating an energizing work space/environment.

Customer Support Representative/Office Desk Manager/Personal Assistant

с 06.2020 по 02.2022 (1 год 8 месяцев)
Wow buds, Kharkiv (Retail)

I served as the company’s first point of contact and my responsibilities were accepting online orders from customers via chat and calls before passing them to the shipping department. I also kept in touch with the customers resolving any issues they might have with their orders till they received them.

I also worked as the personal assistant to my team leader and my responsibilities included organizing meetings, scheduling online events, taking calls for the team lead and planning their meeting schedule for each day.

I was part of weekly review meetings providing feedbacks on sales and customer satisfaction in general.


с 02.2018 по 02.2020 (2 года)
Lighters' Empire, Other countries (Recruiting and HR)

I was responsible for organizing meetings at the request of senior management to clearly outline talent recruitment objectives and this entailed knowing the roles available, identifying the perfect candidates, interviewing them and finally recruiting the best for our team.

Once the candidate is recruited, I was tasked with understanding the strengths and weakness of the newly recruited for the purpose of supervising and onboarding.

I conducted and managed phone interviews, text interviews and on-site interviews.

I also ensured a stressfree onboarding process while enhancing the ability of each new recruit to work independently

Sales Representative

с 08.2016 по 01.2018 (1 год 5 месяцев)
Maka Services, Other countries (Education and science)

Managed production and sales.

I was actively involved in the distribution channel of the company to ensure that the desired goods and services got to the customers while staying in constant communication with clients and updating them. I also kept track of the dispatcher to make sure they arrived within the specified timeframe.


VN Karazin National University School of Medicine

Medicine, Kharkiv
Высшее, с 2020 по 2026 (6 лет)

Medicine deals with saving and restoring of health to the sick through diagnosing and treatment of diseases. There are different interesting fields in medicine eg cardiology, gynecology, pediatrics, public health etc. As medical doctors we are trained and cultured that our patient is our priority so we work hard to achieve that because the health of our patients and everyone is our priority. I enjoy studying medicine in Ukraine, I admire the culture, I'm working on developing my Ukrainian language skills till I become a fluent speaker.

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Groward Consults- Content Creation MasterClass


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Human Resource Management


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Essential Management Skills


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Strategy and Operations


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Marketing and Communications


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Economics and International Business


International Business Management Institute, Berlin- Finances and Accounting


Знания и навыки

MS Excel MS Word MS Office MS PowerPoint MS Outlook Email MS Access Google Docs Communicability Skype Google Sheets Instagram Facebook Google Organizational skills Google Drive Telegram Viber Conducting presentations Management skills Social media Google Slides MS OneNote WhatsApp Spreadsheet Content management Mail merge Slideshow Leadership

Знание языков

  • Английский — свободно
  • Нидерландский — начинающий
  • Украинский — начинающий


Joseph Israel James Junior

Joseph Israel James Junior

Customer Care Expert, Sales Representative and Human Resource Manager/Supervisor

Контактные данные скрыты

Дополнительная информация

I am a hard working, highly intellectual, competent, dedicated, diligent worker and have a great deal of experience. I am a team player but also have the ability to work independently. I am time conscious and always deliver within the specified timeframe while leaving enough time for the management to review and provide feedback for improvement. With my numerous talents, I believe I am nothing short of a positive addition to any team. I am highly flexible and adaptable as shown by the various positions I have handled.
I enjoy reading and travelling to gain knowledge about different cultures and people.

Похожие кандидаты

Sales Manager, Customer Support Representative
Другие страны, Удаленно

Sales manager, Customer Support Representative
Другие страны, Запорожье, Удаленно

Customer Support Representative, Sales Manager
Другие страны

Logistics specialist, sales manager, customer support supervisor
23000 грн, Другие страны, Киев, Удаленно

Key account manager, Sales Representative (Eastern Europe, Ukraine)
100000 грн, Другие страны

Все похожие кандидаты

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