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Head Of Legal Department, 55 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
43 года

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Опыт работы

Head of legal department

с 10.2022 по 02.2024 (1 год 4 месяца)
ESKA CAPITAL, Київ (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

1. Management of the department of lawyers (3 people), distribution of tasks, control of their execution;

2. Development of a new form of a contract for financial leasing of vehicles, suretyship, purchase, sale, storage, development of a form of a contract for financial leasing of real estate, international agreements on confidential information, analysis and amendment of contracts for the provision of auditing services, provision of informatization and optimization services, agency contracts, leases, etc.;

3. Support of the company's activity as an issuer of corporate bonds (preparation of the decision on the issue, minutes of general meetings, preliminary agreements for the purchase and sale of bonds, deeds, additional agreements to them, preparation of management reports, management reports);

4. Preparation of documents for receiving grants under the USAID program (proofreading, preparing applications, filling them out, participating in online sessions, preparing questions);

5. Assistance as a lawyer: storage of documents, referral of lawyer requests, acceptance of participation as a representative of the company in criminal cases;

6. Preparation and submission of lawsuits for collection of debt under leasing agreements, guarantees, credit agreements to arbitration, commercial, and general courts, participation in court hearings, cooperation with executors, participation in negotiations with debtors, preparation of settlement agreements, debt forgiveness agreements , preparation and submission of lawsuits to the State Production and Consumer Service in administrative courts regarding equipment registration;

7. Preparation of legal opinions, letters, powers of attorney, orders, new Statute, etc.


с 06.2021 по 10.2022 (1 год 4 месяца)
Bulldozer Group Ukraine, Київ (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

1. Participation in courts:
1.1. Regarding the appeal of the complete stoppage of operation of the restaurant establishment (with the State Emergency Service);
1.2. With contractors as defendant (debt collection) and plaintiff (recognition of acts and contracts as invalid, collection of sums for unfulfilled and substandard works)
1.3. Regarding the invalidation of the decision on the disqualification of Miss Ukraine (as a lawyer of the Miss Ukraine contest)
1.4. Regarding recovery of damages and lost profits.
1.5. In the criminal process: as a representative of the victim (statements, protection of the interests of witnesses, participation in interrogations), as a defender of property owners (appeals, petitions for the removal of arrest)
1.6. In the administrative process: appeal of protocols, resolutions on the imposition of administrative fines, tax notification-decisions of tax and customs authorities.
2. Conducting cases as a lawyer of a restaurant holding: examination and support of premises lease agreements (drafting, amendments, negotiations with landlords), contracts, purchases, design and other services, non-disclosure of confidential information and protection of trade secrets, contracts of CPC (bartenders, waiters, etc.), drafting complaints, letters, requests to the National Bank of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General's Office, KMDA, etc.
3. Conducting cases as a lawyer of the Miss Ukraine national contest: conducting negotiations, drafting and concluding contracts with the winners and participants of the contest, on the transfer of non-exclusive property related rights, license agreements, on granting permission to use copyright objects and payment of remuneration for use objects of copyright.

Head of Legal Department

с 03.2016 по 06.2021 (5 лет 3 месяца)
The Scientific-production company "Ircom-EKT", Київ (Машинобудування)

1. Representation of interests in court:
1.1. Invalidation of contracts supply, credit, surety;
1.2. Debt collection, collection damages and penalties;
1.3. Appeal against the tax notice-decision;
1.4. Recognition of the decision to cancel the registration of a VAT payer as illegal;
1.5. Raising the interest rate;
1.6. Traffic accident and criminal cases;
1.7. Consumer protection;
1.8. On renewal of lease (with the Kyiv City State Administration);
1.9. According to the code of the land plot (with the State Geocadastre);
1.10. On complete cessation of operation of the premises (with State Service of Ukraine for Emergencies).
2. Land issues: renewal and conclusion of lease agreements, purchase, division of land, code definition.
3. Preparation and submission of complaints, inquiries, answers to inquiries of tax authorities, of the State Geocadastre, Kyiv City State Administration, the Antimonopoly Committee, the Prosecutor General's Office.
4. Examination and support of foreign trade contracts (supply, transportation, works), software development agreements, licenses, custom creation and use of the work, supply, repair, contracting, works, services, purchase and sale, service, transportation, transport expedition in Ukraine and international, etc.
5. Lawyer inquiries to the state executive service, courts, tax authorities.
6. Written conclusions to the application of tax law, to the target purpose of the land.
7. Verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of internal documents (orders, instructions, regulations, etc.).

Head of Legal Department

с 08.2013 по 03.2016 (2 года 7 месяцев)
S К S, Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

1. Conducting a legal audit of the Company's activities.
2. Contractual work (examination and support of all types of contracts, maintenance of the register of contracts in electronic form) with all trade networks of Ukraine.
3. Analysis of advertising materials for compliance with applicable law.
4. Registration of enterprises of various forms of ownership, amendments to the constituent documents;
5. Participation in general, commercial and administrative courts (receivables, labor disputes, in cases of appeals against actions and decisions of public authorities)
6. Interaction with tax authorities, internal affairs bodies, prosecutor's offices (preparation and submission of complaints, inquiries, applications, etc.).

Head of Legal Department

с 09.2012 по 04.2013 (7 месяцев)
Mekran, Київ (Телекомунікації, зв'язок)

1. Development of schemes of tax optimization, filling and drawing up of contracts, appendices to them on these schemes (about rendering of legal, accounting services, merchandising, IT services, guarantee service, broker services, technical examination, manufacturing and distribution of polygraphic production, mailing , banner advertising, site promotion, site development, management module development, courier delivery, marketing, reports, acts, applications to them).
2. Objections to the acts of inspection of the tax service. Initial, repeated complaints, objections to claims of tax authorities, appeals and cassation appeals to claims of tax authorities, claims for invalidation of tax notices-decisions.
3. Preparation of tender documentation.
4. Preparation of claims for invalidity of the contract for the provision of services, for debt collection, participation in commercial courts of all instances.

Head of Legal Department

с 06.2011 по 09.2012 (1 год 3 месяца)
PROVIDNA, Київ (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

1. Management of Claims and Support of Enforcement Proceedings department (9 people and three departments), including control over the compilation of:
1.1. Responses, objections to claims from individuals and legal entities on voluntary property insurance, CASCO, civil liability in courts of general jurisdiction (civil and criminal cases) and claims to appeal against the actions of internal affairs bodies.
1.2. Recourse claims against debtors of individuals and legal entities and claims from legal entities in courts of general jurisdiction and commercial courts, applications for the opening of enforcement proceedings, control over the recovery of debts from debtors.
2. Support of the most complex cases in courts of general jurisdiction and commercial courts of all instances related to insurance under CASCO, civil liability, property and other types of voluntary insurance, labor disputes, bankruptcy.
3. Negotiating with companies that provide legal and collection services for debt collection in recourse cases, drawing up and concluding agreements with them, control over their activities.
4. Processing of payment materials, providing legal opinions on the settlement of losses (implementation or refusal to pay insurance indemnity) in the most complex cases and cases related to fraudulent actions of policyholders and victims.
5. Drawing up procedures for interaction with other divisions of the company, regulations on management, departments, job descriptions, conclusions, generalization of case law, preparation of various types of reports for audit and other structures, etc., related to the work of the Office.
6. Interaction with internal affairs bodies: conducting negotiations with superiors, employees, complaints about their actions, appeals against their actions, court rulings.

Head of Legal Department

с 04.2010 по 04.2011 (1 год)
Granum Group, Бровари (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

1. Examination and support of all types of contracts.
2. Representation of interests in the Antimonopoly Committee, tax authorities, price control inspections, consumer protection departments. Compilation of answers and explanations to the requests of these bodies.
3. Participation in commercial courts (collection of receivables), in administrative courts (with tax authorities), in courts of general jurisdiction (labor disputes).
4. Filing applications for registration of trademarks, drawing up licence agreements on them, obtaining decisions on their transfer.
5. Drawing up powers of attorney, orders, letters, etc.

Head of Legal Department

с 02.2008 по 04.2010 (2 года 2 месяца)
Alpha-Chemgroup PJSC, Київ (Хімічна промисловість, фармацевтика)

1. Work with storage agreements, commissions, licences, pledges, etc.
2. Work with foreign trade contracts (exclusive sales, services, supplies).
3. Obtaining licences for wholesale trade in pesticides, seeds.
4. Obtaining ownership of non-residential property.
5. Preparation of documents for the forced exclusion from the company of one of the owners.
6. Representation in the Inspectorate for Plant Protection, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Environmental Protection, etc.
7. Submitting claims, negotiations, visits to debtors.
8. Participation in commercial courts and courts of general jurisdiction (debt collection).
9. Work on the execution of court decisions, interaction with the internal affairs, Office for Combating Economic Crime, State Tax Inspectorate, seizure of accounts and property of debtors, search for movable and immovable property of debtors, etc. Cooperation with public prosecutor's office.
10. Preparation of materials on fraud for transfer to investigators, judicial authorities, prosecutors, as well as taking measures to compensate for damages to the enterprise.
11. Activities to protect the rights to marks for goods and services.

Legal adviser

с 09.2006 по 02.2008 (1 год 5 месяцев)
Santa Ukraine, Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

1. Work with distribution, advertising, marketing, liability and trade secret agreements with the company's employees, etc.
2. Commercial courts of all instances (debt collection), Administrative courts (on the obligation to take action).
3. Work on the execution of court decisions, amicable agreements, search for debtors, etc.

Legal adviser

с 10.2004 по 08.2006 (1 год 10 месяцев)
Univest Marketing, Київ (Видавництво, поліграфія)

1. Work with contracts of sale, services, marketing, lease, contract, insurance, etc.
2. Drawing up contracts and employment agreements with employees, managers.
3. Work with foreign trade contracts (sales, services, supplies, contracts, commissions, agencies, sureties).
4. Claim work (receivables, quality of delivered goods), preparation of reasonable responses to claims (including foreign legal entities).
5. Preparation of complaints and inquiries to the tax authorities.
6. Drawing up a scheme of work in case of receiving claims on the quality of work performed, preparation of relevant documentation; procedures for claims, storage of contracts, their numbering and other procedures and schemes of the company.
7. Development of the scheme of reorganization of the printing house in the form of allocation and drawing up of the corresponding documentation.

Legal adviser

с 07.2003 по 09.2004 (1 год 2 месяца)
Eurowine, Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

1. Work with licence agreements, factoring, foreign economic activity, etc.
2. Courts of all instances - debt collection, damages.
3. Advising on labour legislation, personnel work: drawing up orders for the enterprise and personnel, keeping labour books, preparation of draft protocols, instructions, regulations.


Kyiv University of Law

Faculty of Law, specialization: lawyer, Master of Law (diploma with honours), Київ
Высшее, с 1998 по 2003 (4 года 10 месяцев)

Знания и навыки

  • Складання будь-яких видів договорів
  • Участь в загальних, господарських та адміністративних судах

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно

Дополнительная информация

Certificate of the right to practise advocacy № 8344/10, regular participation in training seminars for lawyers.
Character traits: high efficiency, ability to bring the case to a logical conclusion, sociability, ability to work in a team and make decisions independently,
Category B driver's licence.

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