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Резюме от 13 февраля 2021


Business Consultant, PM, BA, 40 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
36 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Дополнительная информация

e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
skype: andrew.valenko
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


deep knowledge in business development processes and procedures with hands-on experience on how to start business from scratch;
business communication and soft skills on a high level;
experienced in managing expectations and conflict management;
great research and analysis skills;
understanding of software development business, its processes, stakeholders and dependencies;
have experience in business requirements elicitation, writing user stories and drawing process maps using BPMN;
effective delegation of responsibilities and tasks;
experienced in developing business documentation: product manuals, user guides, case studies on the solution provided, datasheets and sales/marketing collateral;
fast-learner, troubleshooter, and a team player with a get-done attitude, playing by the rules.


April-2020 - Present
Role: Project Manager/ERP Support.
Company: Enapps Ltd. https://bit.ly/2w9qady
Delivered major upgrade to the ERP system with improvements to the CRM.
ERP for tasks and support tickets, Office365, Zoom, PgAdmin.

Feb-2019 - Present
Role: Business Consultant.
Clients: ITSupportMe, 7Fridays, Freelance
company with aligned business model, defined success plan and a unique value proposition in one sentence;
aligned lead generation and engagement departments;
defined lead sources and channels business should focus on and why;
formed reach out framework with daily instructions for lead generation;
helped to form and communicate commandments/principles that allowed to voice and meet expectations across the company;
increased revenue by 200%.
Business Model Lean Canvas, User-Centered Design Lean Canvas, G-suite, LinkedIn, Upwork, HubSpot, WordPress

Jul-2017 - Sep-2018
Company: TheMC2 https://themc2.com
Role: Partner | Business Development.
participated in Business Analysis project activities during the Discovery Phase and helped to form a product concept to win the deal;
established and managed company BD processes from scratch;
formed and automated lead generation process on LinkedIn;
achieved stable pipeline fulfillment with new leads;
formed business presence on platforms: Clutch, YouTeam, Aciety.
Trello, HubSpotCRM, LinkedIn, JIRA, G-Suite, WordPress.

Sep-2016 - Mar-2017
Company: Brainence https://brainence.com/
Role: Business Development.
helped to establish sales pipeline;
helped to form key company values, mission and vision;
created and managed lead generation team;
curated website, marketing and all client facing documentation;
formed BD processes and procedures;
business presence on platforms: Clutch, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram;
Communication with the Client – Playbook.
G-Suite, Trello, HubSpot, Balsamiq, LinkedIn, Facebook.

Apr-2013 - May-2015
Customer: CoreValue https://corevalue.com.ua/
Role: Project Manager / Inside Sales Specialist.
delivered product and market research and product competitive review with horizontal solution and vertical industry comparison;
curated all content for the new product: website, data sheets, sales presentations and product brochures, case studies, how-to-tutorials, FAQ, partnership program, landing pages & click-through-pages;
managed Live Webinar: Internal Communications: Inspiring Employee Engagement that helped with brand awareness and bringing new business (preparation, launch, flow handling, post-webinar activities);
initiated and documented Partner Program.
JIRA, SugarCRM, Basecamp, G-Suite, Dropbox, Litmus, Cisco Webex, Similar Web.

Nov-2011 - Nov-2012
Customer: Miatech https://www.miatech.org/
Role: Field Manager. In 2011 started as a business development unit responsible for the assigned territory in the US.
In 2012 I was promoted thanks to my "get done" attitude and skills shown on a phone. a new role: Nationwide Sales Support Specialist to support USA/Canada Sales Teams by scheduling meetings, informing, and controlling key accounts and reps in the field.
Handled engagement of more than 10 successful accounts. Shot 1 “elephant” with over 2000 units ☺
ACT! for Web, QuickBooks, MS Office.

2005 – 2010L’viv Academy of Commerce - Master's Degree in International Relations in Economics.2004 - 2005Computer Academy “Step” - System Administrator.
Languages:English – advanced C1/C2
Certifications:Email Marketing Certification. HubSpotInbound Sales Certification. HubSpotGoogle Analytics Platform Principles - Certificate
Project Management Day 2014 CertificateCertified MS Office User

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