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Резюме от 26 марта 2020


Business analyst, 25 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
36 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Дополнительная информация



Over the course of 7+ years, I have managed to gain a deep knowledge and experience in Business development. Aside from that my main focus through that time was building my Business Analysis abilities. I have participated in many projects that dealt with a need to conceptualize the business idea and align it with the current state of things.
Starting projects, holding brainstorm and workshop sessions, collaborating with other people on the lean canvases – is what I love to do. Just to name a few
Therefore, all in all, I am out there seeking for new opportunities and projects where I can put my knowledge/experience to great use.

Good at:
starting projects and conceiving ideas;
apply logic to human interactions and networks by using exceptional social perception as to find out what makes people tick;
network and match the communication styles of the audience;
explore other’s perspectives and glean new insights into their projects;
dealing with unexpected challenges while brightening the lives of those around me;
get along with pretty much anyone.

Goal: Find a workplace where I’ll have a chance to explore new ideas and conduct that exploration alongside other people who share that excitement.

Aug-2019 - Dec-2019
Customer: 7Fridays
Project: Business Development.
Role: Consultant/Executive

Feb-2019 - Mar-2019
Customer: ITSUpportMe | PieSoft https://piesoft.us/
Project: Business Development.
Role: Consultant.

Jul-2017 - Sep-2018
Customer: TheMC2 https://themc2.com
Project: Launched new business in collaboration with Michael Kramarenko and ex-colleague Max Prots.
Role: Partner | Business Development.

Sep-2016 - Mar-2017
Customer: Brainence https://brainence.com/
Project: United with a team of software developers for the establishment of a new experience in software development outsourcing services as Head of Business Development.
Role: VP of Business Development.

Apr-2013 - May-2015
Customer: CoreValue https://corevalue.com.ua/
Project: participated in the full-cycle of the solution development from concept validation, UX/UI design, development, implementation and support.
Role: Product Manager.

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