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Резюме от 12 февраля 2024 PRO


Support engineer, System Administrator, 45 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
22 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Другие страны, Удаленно, Харьков

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

L2 Support Engineer

с 11.2023 по наст. время (7 месяцев)
TemaBit Fozzu Group, Харків (IT)

— User support
— Work with appeals
— Description and documentation of work processes
— Writing instructions
— Data quality control
— Work with monitoring
— Search for process optimization
— Analysis of atypical appeals and the choice of ways to solve them

Junior Support Engineer

с 09.2023 по 11.2023 (2 месяца)
Київстар, Харків (Телекомунікації, зв'язок)

- Support of the system that ensures the operation of the call center
- Reception and correction of requests from the business customer about system errors
- Installation of system updates
- Solving problems, describing and submitting a request to the development team
- Analysis of system logs to determine the cause of the error
- Participation in installing updates and checking the updated functionality
- Acceptance of errors and correction of incidents
- Execution of SQL queries
- Elimination of other errors

Junior Software Engineer

с 08.2023 по 08.2023 (меньше месяца)
Перший Український Міжнародний Банк (ПУМБ), Харків (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

Identification and analysis of application problems.

Configuration management, application deployment.

Monitoring for application stability.

Processing of Helpdesk requests (2L).

Install releases.

Working closely with development teams to deploy new components and improve existing applications.

L2 Support Engineer

с 09.2022 по 08.2023 (11 месяцев)
FluentPro Software, Харків (IT)

Participate in meetings to set up & configure our products.

Resolve support cases that require server-side investigation, from the DEV team and from end customers

Support on engineering level (network, OS, DB troubleshooting)

Create and maintain product troubleshooting guidesSupport product infrastructure, following maintenance guides.

Специалист технической поддержки

с 03.2021 по наст. время (3 года 3 месяца)
Speedflow Communication Ltd., Харьков (Телекомунікації, зв'язок)

Resolved diverse range of technical issues
across multiple systems and applications for
customers and end-users across various time

JIRA, Slack, Trello, Skype, OTRS.
Debugging and searching
for root cause in system and program logs.
Provided Tier 1 IT support to non-technical
internal users through desk side support

Translated complex technical issues into
digestible language for non-technical users.
Installing and supporting company's VoIP and
SMS Business Solutions software onto new Linux
clients servers.

Специалист технической поддержки

с 02.2021 по 03.2021 (1 месяц)
Аутсорсинговый контактный центр «Dealist Solutions», Харьков (IT)

Checking (verifying) customer data (check

Communication and correspondence with
clients (chat, email, tickets)

Технический специалист

с 10.2015 по наст. время (8 лет 8 месяцев)
Университет Ресурсной Медицины, Харьков (Медицина, охорона здоров'я, аптеки)

Used ticketing systems to manage and process
support actions and requests. Monitored systems in operation and quickly
troubleshot errors.

Configured hardware and granted system
permissions to new employees. Documented support interactions for future

Digital books distribution. Advertising to a target audience on Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube. Designing a company brandbook and

Landing-pages construction with Creatium
and Platforma LP, Wix, and WordPress websites. Responsibility for social networks, YouTube
channel with 34,000 subscribers.


Programming Hub

Среднее специальное, с 2023 по 2024 (1 год)

IT Coursers

Google IT Support Certificate

IT Support, Харьков
Среднее специальное, с 2022 по 2022 (меньше 1 года)

Already finished Technical Support Fundumentals course


Google IT Support, Харків
Среднее специальное, с 2022 по 2022 (меньше 1 года)

Activities and societies: Technical Support Fundamentals

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services

IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts

Компьютерная Академия ШАГ

Графический дизайн, Харьков
Среднее специальное, с 2017 по 2019 (2 года)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Google IT Support Certificate

3 месяца

IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts

1 місяць

System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services

1 місяць

Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

1 місяць

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

1 місяць

Technical Support Fundamentals

1 місяць

Cloud Computing. ID: 1689588720749

1 неділя

Computer Networks. ID: 1683502480688

1 неділя

JavaScript. ID: 1684092985820

1 неділя

Node JS. ID: 1684104826942

1 неділя

RBDMS. ID: 1683847705651

1 неділя

SQL Programming. ID: 1683720824555

1 неділя

CEFR B2 Upper Intermediate. ID: f238a681

1 неділя

Знания и навыки

TCP/IP, DNS, Networking Issue troubleshooting Ticket support system management Bug and root cause tracking and analysis Linux Jira ISPs Nagios Nginx Glassfish VoIP Wireshark PostgrSQL MySQL Wordpress API IPMI IPSec OData VPN TCP/IP DNS Networking Cloud Computing Hyper-V Jenkins Mikrotik Active Directory Firewalls Encryption Windows Server Powershell · Internet Information Services (IIS) SQL Microsoft Azure MongoDB System administration L2 JavaScript Zendesk Figma HTML Ansible Kubernetes Elasticsearch Git Corezoid

Знание языков

  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно
  • Немецкий — начинающий
  • Польский — начинающий

Дополнительная информация

Enthusiastic, organized, and detail-oriented IT Support Technical Specialist with experience in telecommunications, online retail, and customer service. Enjoy helping people in resolving their problems. A team player who's always open to discussion and communication.

Stack of technologies I worked with:
Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu server), Windows server, IIS/Nginx/Apache, Jira, Microsoft Teams/Slack/Trello, OTRS/ZenDesk/Intercom, ISPs, Nagios/Zabbix/Site 24x7/Uptime robot, Glassfish, Redis, RTP/SMPP/VoIP, Wireshark, PostgrSQL/MySQL/Microsoft SQL/MongoDB/Oracle Database, WordPress/Wix, API/HTTP/JSON, IPMI, VPN (IPSec), OData, Networking/OSI model/OSPF/TCP/IP, DNS/DHCP, System Administration, Cloud Computing (Azure), Hyper-V/Virtual Box, Jenkins, Mikrotik, Active Directory/Azure Active Directory, Firewalls, Encryption, Powershell, Microsoft Azure, JavaScript, Node.js, Ansible, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack (ELK), Grafana, Git (GitLab/Azure DevOps), Confluence, Google Workspace, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Dynatrace, RabbitMQ

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