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Резюме от 6 ноября 2023 PRO


Account, Brand, Project Manager (Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Wayfair), 80 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
27 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Account Manager

с 02.2023 по 10.2023 (8 месяцев)
Progressive Automations, Київ (Роздрібна торгівля)

General responsibilities:
-Creating business plan for the year for each marketplace
-Managing accounts on: SC Amazon US, SC Amazon CA, Walmart US, Walmart CA, eBay, Wayfair
-Around 800 SKUs on each account
Operational responsibilities:
-Listing listings in bulk via flat file upload
-Editing listing parameters such as category, brand name, title, etc. via flat file or by opening support case
-Transfering reviews from old variations to new ones
-Creating A+ for listings
-Creating specifications for designer
-Running deals, promotions
-Resolving account health issues: policy violations, listing content violations, writing appeals and plans of action.

Project Manager/ Brand Manager

с 06.2021 по 01.2023 (1 год 7 месяцев)
TCM Digital, Київ (Роздрібна торгівля)

Project Manager/ Brand Manager

My experience as a team leader and my interactions with other in-company departments/teams:

-Brand management of several brands across marketplaces: experience in selling on Amazon, Walmart, Shopify (both seller fulfillment and marketplace/3d party fulfillment, 40-60 sku's in total)
-PPC team: strategy development, launching both auto and manual campaigns, fixing campaigns, adding negative keywords
-Designers team: writing specifications for A+ content, images, videos, SMM content
-Developing plan with marketing team: influence marketing, SMM content - Facebook, Instagram posts, Youtube videos. Creating landing pages
-Logistics team: inventory planning, shipping from China to US (DDP or DDU), carrier and manufacturer research, work with prep centers and shipments to Amazon FBA/ Walmart WFS, also Seller- fullfillment (FBM) directly from the prep center
-Account health maintaining: writing cases, appeals, deleting feedbacks, resolving VOTC issues, reinstating listings
-Financial department: providing daily reports on revenue/sales, budget planning considering all the above mentioned expenses and also including HR expenses/ expenses for outsource employees
-General brand strategy development: preparing a workplan for upcoming month or quarter, setting monthly/yearly revenue and profit goals, monitoring brand achievements according to the goals and discussing changes in strategy with COR
-For completely fresh PL projects: finding new ideas for the product, niche researching, analyzing competitors, basic Marketing Research, budget planning, risk management, business processes development from the scratch

Experience as Account Manager:

-Managing several seller accounts for different brands on Amazon, Walmart and Shopify simultaneously
-Account health maintaining: writing cases, appeals, plans of action, deleting feedbacks, reinstating listings and accounts at risk
-Orders management: handling FBM orders, using MCF program for shopify fulfillment, resolving issues with marketplace-fulfilled orders (FBA, WFS)
-FBA and WFS shipments: creating shipping plans, providing and getting info from the prep center, submitting shipment reconciliation. Experience in winning cases for unreconciled shipments
-Running PPC campaings (auto and manual)
-Listing optimization: competitor research, collecting keyword bank (SEO core) for the listing, writing SEO- optimized titles, bullets, description. Image SEO. I tried it both with and without the help of 3d party software. I have experience working with Helium 10 and other helpful websites for e-commerce, I will share the full list in the end.
-Work with prep center: discussing rates, checking expenses, task management
-Adding new listings- through UI or by file uploading, managing variations

-Store creation on shopify
-Amazon flat-file understanding
-Advanced Excel/Google sheets user
-Experience with software: Helium 10, Seller Legend, Jung

Sales Manager

с 11.2018 по 05.2021 (2 года 6 месяцев)
E-commerce, Київ (Retail)

Experience as Sales Manager

At this position my main goal was to find profitable suppliers for a US-based company in order to carry their products in company’s Amazon store.

-Potential US suppliers research and getting in contact with them: negotiations on cooperation via phone calls or emails
-Drawing up the contract/ Requesting an official letter of authorization from the supplier allowing to sell on different marketplaces
-Supplier catalog research (estimating potential profit from selling products on Amazon, Walmart and any other sales platform)
-Requesting product safety licenses from the supplier
-All the logistics: shipping from manufacturer to the prep, then to FBA
-Inventory planning and management

Experience as Account Manager:

-Managing several seller accounts for different brands on Amazon, Walmart and Shopify simultaneously
-Account health maintaining: writing cases, appeals, plans of action, deleting feedbacks, reinstating listings and accounts at risk
-Orders management: handling FBM orders, using MCF program for shopify fulfillment, resolving issues with marketplace-fulfilled orders (FBA, WFS)
-FBA and WFS shipments: creating shipping plans, providing and getting info from the prep center, submitting shipment reconciliation. Experience in winning cases for unreconciled shipments
-Running PPC campaings (auto and manual)
-Listing optimization: competitor research, collecting keyword bank (SEO core) for the listing, writing SEO- optimized titles, bullets, description. Image SEO. I tried it both with and without the help of 3d party software. I have experience working with Helium 10 and other helpful websites for e-commerce, I will share the full list in the end.
-Work with prep center: discussing rates, checking expenses, task management
-Adding new listings- through UI or by file uploading, managing variations


-Store creation on shopify
-Automation of product upload process
-Amazon flat-file understanding
-Advanced Excel/Google sheets user
-Experience with software: Helium 10, Seller Legend, JungleScout, Keepa, custom CRM's or ERP's



IT, Lodz
Неоконченное высшее, с 2014 по 2018 (4 года)

WSIU, Lodz, Poland, 93-008

Знания и навыки

MS Excel

Знание языков

  • Английский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Польский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно

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